WATERLOO, Ontario, March 18, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) — A Catholic university in Ontario will be hosting a talk on Friday by a gay activist who recently told parents in an online article that his goal is to “indoctrinate your children into my LGBTQ agenda,” whether they like it or not.
St. Jerome’s University (SJU) in Waterloo, ON, will be hosting Sason Bear Bergman as its keynote speaker at the Friday March 20 event. Bergman, formerly Sharon Jill, is a biological woman who identifies as a man, and is ‘married’ to J. Wallace, a gender equity adviser at the Toronto District School Board (TDSB).
The event, SJU’s 5th annual symposium on sexuality, marriage, and family studies, will focus on the “theory of intersectionality,” which is defined by SJU as the “study of crossing points of systems of oppression in the day-to-day experiences of different demographics or persons.”
Bergman is an author and publisher of what she calls “feminist, radically-diverse, LGBTQ-positive books for all children and families.” The books are being heavily marketed to teachers and school librarians. She also lectures and performs solo theatrical productions internationally that focus on gender identity and homosexuality.
“Bergman will be using his [sic] unique storytelling style to guide attendees through how the points of intersection between gender, sexuality, and culture play out in peoples’ everyday lives, which embodies the theme of the conference,” a SJU announcement about the event reads.
Bergman was most recently in the news after writing a piece for Huffington Post titled ‘I Have Come to Indoctrinate Your Children Into My LGBTQ Agenda (And I'm Not a Bit Sorry).’ Writing to parents, Bergman states she wants to make children “like us” even if that “goes against the way you have interpreted the teachings of your religion.”
“I want to be present in their emotional landscapes as a perfectly nice dad and writer who is married to another guy,” she writes.
Bergman concludes her Huffington Post article by declaring she would be “delighted” if she could convince children to disagree with their parents on homosexuality.
“I want kids to know [we're perfectly fine and often really excellent] even if their parents' or community's interpretation of their religious tenets is that we're awful. I would be happy — delighted, overjoyed I tell you — to cause those children to disagree with their families on the subject of LGBTQ people.”
“If that makes me an indoctrinator, I accept it. Let me be honest — I am not even a little bit sorry.”
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The patron of St. Jerome’s University is a 4th century father and doctor of the Catholic Church who famously stated that “ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” Scripture, both in the Old Testament and the New, condemns homosexual practices numerous times for being contrary to God’s plan for human sexuality.
On its mission statement page, SJU calls itself a “public Roman Catholic university” that is “committed” to the “gospel values of love, truth, and justice” and the “formation of leaders for the service of the community and the Church.”
“In all of our activities and practices, St. Jerome’s University functions within the context of the Roman Catholic tradition and the principles of academic freedom,” states SJU’s mission statement.
LifeSiteNews asked SJU President & Vice-Chancellor Dr. Katherine Bergman, who has a Ph.D in geology, if it is appropriate for a Catholic university to have as its keynote speaker someone who publicly promotes homosexuality as a safe and normative practice, and who openly tells parents that she seeks to “indoctrinate your children into my LGBTQ agenda.” No response was provided.
To communicate respectfully, contact:
Dr. Katherine Bergman, President
St. Jerome's University
290 Westmount Road North
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G3
Phone: (519) 884-8110
[email protected]
Bishop Douglas Crosby of Hamilton
700 King Street West
Hamilton, ON L8P 1C7
Tel: (905) 528-7988
Fax: (905) 528-1088
[email protected]