
OTTAWA, September 28, 2004 ( – Ontario taxpayers paid $400,000 last year to send 56 women to the United States for late term abortions, reports Life Canada, the educational arm of the pro-life movement in Canada.  The Ontario Ministry of Health admitted the figures after stories last week claimed 15 women were sent from Ontario and 30 from Quebec. The new information shows that each abortion costs taxpayers an average of $7000.00.  The government’s proposed solution is to open and fund a late-term abortions private clinic in Quebec, suggesting it would be easier to have such abortions committed in Canada.

Joanne Byfield, President-Elect of LifeCanada, commented saying, “How easy can it be to enter a clinic, lie down on the table and wait for the ‘doctor’ to rip your baby limb from limb, crush its skull and suck the remaining ‘products of conception’ out of your womb? This is a baby who has moved within your body, whose kicks and churning have astonished you with their strength and patterns. For those who like to define humanity based on ‘viability’, this is precisely the population we are talking about. These are ‘viable’ babies.”  Even well-known abortionist Henry Morgentaler believes it is unethical to destroy unborn babies at this late stage of development. “Around 24 weeks I have ethical problems doing that. What we do at our clinics is if we have a problem like that we usually counsel the woman to continue the pregnancy and put it up for adoption if she is unable to care for it,” said Morgentaler.

Byfield concluded, “For once, we agree with him. When even those in the business object to late-term abortions.  Why is our government spending scarce health care dollars on this gruesome procedure?”  jhw