By Hilary White
SALEM, April 10, 2007 ( – Oregon’s Senate Bill 2, adding “sexual orientation” to the list of specially protected minorities, is being denounced by Christian and others traditionally minded leaders who warn it will allow homosexual activists to impose their moral perspective on the state and on churches.
David Crowe, of Restore America said if the bill passes, “(it) will limit your free speech rights and rights of conscience; require public schools to teach that homosexual/lesbian/bisexual behaviour is ‘okay’ and ‘moral’; impact your rights as a business owner; and put judges in authority on certain church matters.”
The bill proposes to define those active in homosexual activity as a protected civil rights group using the term “sexual orientation.” Although it contains a so-called “church exemption,” evangelical leaders warn that it will have the effect of outlawing criticism of the homosexual lifestyle.
Speaking to WorldNet Daily, Crowe said the legislation goes so far as to allow judges to determine the ‘primary purpose’ of churches. He said it will control church hiring policies making the hiring of active homosexuals mandatory in every church operation that isn’t directly in support of its primary mission goal.
“There is verbiage in the bill and the verbiage has to do with the primary purpose of a church. They’re seeking really to gain a foothold for homosexuals into the Christian church with the court’s approval,” he said.
The fears that homosexual activists are trying to control the inner practices of Christian churches are being realized in the UK with the passage of the Sexual Orientation Regulations (SOR’s) in March. Less than a month after the passage of the legislation in the House of Lords, an Anglican bishop is fighting a suit alleging that he discriminated against a homosexual man by refusing to hire him as a youth worker. The suit is being backed by Stonewall, the gay lobby that pushed the SOR’s into law.
The Oregon legislation, say Christians, would accomplish much the same feat as its British counterpart, regulating the provision of goods and services. If passed it would require Christian business owners to employ active homosexuals and subject children in schools to homosexual propaganda.