OTTAWA (LifeSiteNews) — Ottawa high school students organized a walkout to protest the LGBT agenda in the classrooms as students across Ontario begin to stand up against the current ideology.
On June 15, students from Ottawa’s Longfields-Davidson Secondary School left class to gather outside as part of a planned protest against schools celebrating “pride” month and pushing LGBT ideology in the classroom.
Here is some footage from the student walkout at Longfield-Davidson Heights Secondary School (Ottawa, Canada) this afternoon! Check it out!🇨🇦 #ldhss
— Chanel Pfahl 🇨🇦 (@ChanLPfa) June 16, 2023
According to the “LDHSS Students for Change” Instagram page, “Longfield students will hold a peaceful walkout protest in protest of OCDSB Board Members’ radical and insulting comments, transgender people being allowed to enter biological gender bathrooms, and to display the message that teaching about pride in schools isn’t what students want.”
The message reminded students, “We are a group focussed on love not hate. We do not hate transgender people. We do not hate gay people. We do not hate most teachers. We just want to protect our religions. To protect our younger siblings. And most importantly, our personal beliefs and right to believe what we want.”
Student activist Josh Alexander told LifeSiteNews that it was “encouraging to see young people stepping up” by protesting at their local schools.
“I think this is only the beginning,” he stated. “I, myself, am bringing my crew back to Ottawa for the next week of school. We’re going to be talking with students and a lot of teachers. And hopefully we’re going to send a strong message to our administration.”
Myles Vosylius, a former student at Cardinal Carter Catholic High School in Aurora, Ontario, who recently delivered a stirring speech against flying the “pride” flag to the York Catholic District School Board, likewise celebrated the protest.
“The students that have participated in these school walkouts province-wide are experiencing a holy courage,” he told LifeSiteNews. “Any responsible adult should react with pride, the good kind, that our young people are speaking up for themselves with such courage.”
“We need to be there for them, to help mobilize them and equip them to put on the armour of God, as Scripture tells us to do when in righteous battle,” he added. “Stomping on pride flags, throwing pride materials on the road, and other reactions to this sickening pride agenda sends a clear message to the LGBT lobbying groomers: BACK OFF!”
An email sent to parents of LDH students, obtained by former high school teacher Chanel Pfahl, warned students against attending the protest.
The school has responded by sending out the following email to parents:
— Chanel Pfahl 🇨🇦 (@ChanLPfa) June 14, 2023
“(W)e want to remind everyone that during the instructional day, it is expected that students be in class,” the message reads. “Student walkouts are one way to share a message, but there are also many other ways to respectfully show support for issues that are important to students.”
The past few weeks have seen an increasing number of students, especially Muslim children, standing up against LGBT ideology in the classroom.
Video footage from a pro-family protest in Ottawa last week that showed young Muslim boys stomping on “pride” flags has gone viral on social media.
Last week, students at Sir Frederick Banting High School in London, Ontario, cheered as a male student tore the “pride” flag from the school’s flagpole.
In May, Quebec students tore down and trampled a rainbow “pride” flag as their local school prepared to celebrate the 2023 “International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia.”
Last week, as part of an initiative by Campaign Life Coalition (CLC), thousands of students across Canada stayed home on June 1 in direct protest of “pride month” being pushed in public schools.
Moreover, a recently leaked audio recording exposing a Canadian teacher lambasting her Muslim students for missing school in protest of “pride” sparked backlash across social media, as the teacher implied one cannot withhold support for gay “pride” and remain “Canadian.”
Beyond the recent success of CLC’s walkout protest in May, hundreds of students, reportedly predominantly Muslim, stayed home when their London, Ontario, schools flew the “pride” flag.
Also in May, pro-LGBT school trustee Wendy Ashby resigned from the Waterloo Catholic District School Board after over 3,000 parents petitioned for her removal.
Furthermore, in May, trustees in the York Catholic District School Board voted against flying the “pride” flag atop of its schools and other buildings in celebration of “pride month.”