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USCCB President: CHA’s Keehan is ‘to Blame’ for ObamaCare Passage

USCCB President: CHA’s Keehan is ‘to Blame’ for ObamaCare Passage by By Kathleen Gilbert ST. PETERSBURG, Florida, June 17, 2010 ( – Catholic Health Association (CHA) President Sr. Carol Keehan and other Catholic groups that broke with the bishops to support the federal health care reform legislation are to blame for the passage of the pro-abortion legislation, said Cardinal Francis George, President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, as reported by the Catholic News Agency on Thursday. George reiterated his strong condemnation of the Catholic groups during a Tuesday morning meeting of the U.S. bishops in St. Petersburg. […]

Jesuit University to Honor Obamacare Champion Sr. Keehan

Jesuit University to Honor Obamacare Champion Sr. Keehan by SAN FRANCISCO, November 8, 2010 ( – The University of San Francisco (USF) has announced that on November 23 it plans to honor Sr. Carol Keehan, the president and CEO of the Catholic Health Association, whose support for the abortion-expanding healthcare overhaul was applauded by President Obama and decried by U.S. bishops as “a wound to Catholic unity.” Keehan’s support for the Obama administration’s top domestic priority, which CHA endorsed even before a first draft was published, was acknowledged by the president and onlookers alike as a key element in […]