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Constitutional Challenges Loom Big Over Slaughter’s ‘Demon Pass’

Friday March 19, 2010 Constitutional Challenges Loom Big Over Slaughter’s ‘Demon Pass’ By Peter J. Smith WASHINGTON, D.C., March 19, 2010 ( – The legislative “deem and pass” tactic – dubbed by many pundits as the “demon pass” – sought by House Democrats to ram through the Senate version of ObamaCare has legal analysts predicting that the health bill will likely land before the U.S. Supreme Court on a constitutional challenge. “The Slaughter solution is unconstitutional because it evades the constitutional requirement that there be a vote by both houses of Congress on the same bill in order for that […]

Commentary: Blazing the Trail to Personhood, California Style

Wednesday March 10, 2010 Commentary: Blazing the Trail to Personhood, California Style By Judie Brown March 10, 2010 ( – Things are really heating up in California as Pastor Walter Hoye continues his grassroots campaign to help assure that human personhood makes the ballot in the state. The California Human Rights Amendment makes a simple statement that everyone can agree is logical and should indeed have already been part of the state’s constitution. The language reads, The term “person” applies to all living human organisms from the beginning of their biological development, regardless of the means by which they were […]

Texas Rep. Identifies Self as Man who Shouted “Baby Killer” during Stupak Speech

By Kathleen Gilbert WASHINGTON, D.C., March 22, 2010 ( – Texas Republican Rep. Randy Neugebauer has identified himself as the lawmaker who shouted “baby killer” while Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) argued against including his own abortion funding ban in the Senate health care reconciliation package Sunday evening. The congressman says that the remark was not a direct reference to Stupak: he says he called out “it's a baby killer” in reference to the agreement Stupak had struck with President Obama to have the latter issue an executive order upholding the Hyde amendment, in return for Stupak's “yes” vote on the […]

Virginia, Idaho Herald War of the States against Federal Government over Health Care

By Peter J. Smith BOISE, Idaho, March 19, 2010 ( – Virginia and Idaho have now taken the lead among U.S. states in the fight against national health care, with the two states having successfully enacted laws empowering their attorneys general to sue the federal government for trying to force their respective residents to buy health insurance. On Wednesday, Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter signed the Idaho Health Freedom Act into law, during the first public ceremony for this year's legislature. “What the Idaho Health Freedom Act says is that the citizens of our state won't be subject to another federal […]

Catholic Doctors, More Bishops Insist: Catholic Teaching Incompatible with ObamaCare

By Kathleen Gilbert WASHINGTON, DC, March 19, 2010 ( – Several more U.S. Catholic bishops, as well as a national association of Catholic medical doctors, have stepped up to rescue the Catholic name from organizations claiming the abortion-laden Senate health care bill is compatible with Church teaching. The Catholic Medical Association (CMA), a national association of Catholic physicians, has thrown their weight behind the statement of Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput, who said that groups supporting the Senate bill “have done a grave disservice to the American Catholic community by undermining the leadership of the nation's Catholic bishops, sowing confusion among […]

Poll Reveals 1/3 of U.S. Docs Would Consider Quitting Over ObamaCare

By Peter J. Smith ATLANTA, Georgia, March 19, 2010 ( – A new poll reveals that President Barack Obama’s health care reform may push as many as a third of the nation’s practicing doctors into shuttering their offices and getting out of the medical business entirely. In other words, the doctor may not be in to see you shortly. According to a survey conducted by The Medicus Firm, a nationally retained physician search firm, “nearly one-third of physicians responding to the survey indicated that they will want to leave medical practice after health reform is implemented.” The Medicus Firm queried […]

Architect of Betrayal?: WH Exposes Obama as Provocateur of Catholic Dissention

By Peter J. Smith and Kathleen Gilbert WASHINGTON, DC, March 18, 2010 ( – White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs revealed to reporters today that President Barack Obama actively promoted the Catholic Health Association's public break with the American Catholic bishops to support his health care legislation. Gibbs also suggested that the CHA and the Leadership Conference of Women Religious' (LCWR) break with the U.S. Bishops has provided legitimate political cover for pro-life Democrats to switch their votes from “no” to “yes.” “I think over the past twenty four hours we have seen strong indications from those in the Catholic […]

Former Tiller Abortionists Make Albuquerque the New Late-Term Abortion Capital

By John Jalsevac ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., March 17, 2010 ( -  Two women who once specialized in post-viability abortions during their employment at George Tiller's now closed abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas, have set up shop in an existing abortion facility owned and operated by Texas abortionist Curtis Boyd. Working out of that facility they are now offering lucrative late-term abortions.   The arrangement was announced in a statement on Boyd’s website, reported on by the LA Times on Tuesday, which said, “We are honored to have Dr. Susan Robinson and Dr. Shelley Sella, both of whom worked with Dr. Tiller, […]