SUFFOLK COUNTY, New York (LifeSiteNews) — The parents of a fifth-grade girl last month filed a lawsuit against their daughter’s teacher and school, arguing they inflicted “extreme emotional pain, trauma, [and] distress” upon her by indoctrinating her into gender ideology, something they say caused her to experience confusion and suicidal ideation. The lawsuit also contends that that teacher introduced inappropriate classroom materials related to sexuality, and urged other students to experiment with “being gay.”
In the January 27 legal filing brought to light February 25 by Twitter account xxclusionary, the parents of the fifth-grade girl [referred to in the filing as A.V.] argue that beginning in October 2021 teacher Debra Rosenquist pushed A.V. to adopt a male name and pronouns, which they say led to bullying and thoughts of suicide.
The lawsuit names Rosenquist as well as the Terryville Road Elementary School and the Brookhaven-Comsewogue School District as defendants.
AV, the female student, become confused and distressed and reportedly drew a picture depicting suicidal ideations, which eventually led to her parents being informed of the teacher’s conduct.
— Right Side of History™️ (@xxclusionary) February 26, 2023
According to the complaint, filed with the Supreme Court of the State of New York in Suffolk County, Rosenquist “targeted” the then-10-year-old girl and “forced” her “to use male pronouns and a male name.”
“As a result, A.V. became confused as to her gender,” the suit continued, accusing the district and school administrators of delaying notifying the parents for months “[d]espite knowing about Rosenquist’s conduct and A.V.’s involvement.”
Beyond reportedly targeting A.V., Rosenquist also allegedly supplemented the approved curriculum with her own inappropriate offerings about sexuality and gender, including a pro-LGBT book she personally created entitled “I Am Neither,” author and psychologist Karlyn Borysenko highlighted in a Substack post breaking down the filing.
The filing cites former students of Rosenquist who said she had allegedly urged students to try out “being gay” or presenting themselves as the opposite sex.
A.V.’s parents say they finally became aware of what was happening with their daughter when she reportedly expressed thoughts concerning suicide.
In January 2022, A.V. reportedly met with a school psychologist, something about which the parents say they were not initially apprised. During the meeting, A.V. drew a picture of a girl and wrote the phrases “I wanna kill myself” and “I feel sad a lot.”
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The drawings reportedly caused the psychologist to believe that the girl’s thoughts about suicide were linked to her reputed gender confusion, and the school principal finally notified the parents.
According to the legal filing, the girl’s mother “was utterly shocked as this was the first time that A.V. had expressed any confusion about her identity or suicidal ideation.”
During the same phone call, the principal stated that the girl purportedly “asked to be called ‘Leo’ and asked [the mother] if that was okay.”
A.V.’s mother acquiesced under the condition that it was her daughter who had made the request, but “had no idea that Rosenquist had been calling A.V. by ‘Leo” for months at that point,” the lawsuit states.
“At no time prior to January 27, 2022 had anyone from the District contacted” the girl’s parents to let them know that their daughter “was being called by male pronouns and names, or that she had expressed confusion regarding her gender identity,” the filing asserts.
After the revelation, the girl was removed from the classroom, something that allegedly subjected her to bullying and hostility from other students.
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According to the complaint, the young girl “suffered extreme emotional pain, trauma, distress, mental anguish, and psychological injuries, including but not limited to: humiliation; fear; discomfort and anxiety; loss of enjoyment of life; medical costs for psychological treatment and attorneys’ fees, all as a result of the inappropriate conduct inflicted upon [her] by Rosenquist,” and that administrators failed to “to prevent Rosenquist from engaging in inappropriate behavior again.”