(LifeSiteNews) – A Canadian family is looking into suing a rural Alberta college and pharmacy because their 18-year-old special needs daughter was jabbed with the COVID vaccine without their permission. Their daughter is now exhibiting ill effects from the injection say her parents.
According to a Western Standard report, Ryan Gassner said his daughter was jabbed at a local pharmacy at the urging of the school staff in late September. This was due to her being denied access to the school unless she was jabbed.
The family recently sent a legal warning letter to Olds College located in central Alberta and Rexall Pharmacy Group Ltd, with the help of a local lawyer, saying their daughter was “compelled under duress to take a COVID-19 vaccination against her will.”
According to the legal letter, the college and pharmacy’s actions amount to “negligent and reckless battery” and could potentially be deemed a type of criminal assault.
The family wants an apology from the college along with “assurances they will take guardianship seriously in the future for us and for other students in the same situation.”
They are also demanding that the school provide them with a written assurance that no healthcare decision will be made for their daughter without their prior consent. They are asking the school to pay their legal fees and promise that it won’t give “unconsented to and unsolicited COVID-19” jabs on campus to anyone.
According to the Western Standard, Gassner said that they have received a reply from the college acknowledging they got their letter, which must be replied to by November 15.
Gassner said that if they do not hear back from the school in full response, they will look into pressing “criminal charges.”
“It’s not an understatement that this was a major risk placed on the health of our daughter for no reason, as another solution was available,” Gassner said.
The Gassners have “full guardianship” of their daughter, despite her being 18. Gassner said this is “essentially the same as if she were under 18.”
Gassner’s daughter suffers from a developmental delay along with epilepsy and is enrolled in an employment transition program at Olds College.
She is functioning at an “11-year-old cognitive level,” according to her dad.
She also suffers from severe allergies, which Gassner said meant that they had to avoid some childhood vaccines, “because of her risk of anaphylaxis and the ingredients in those vaccines.”
Like most colleges and universities in Alberta, the COVID jabs became mandatory in late September, although one is allowed to produce a negative test every 72 hours, which is what the Gassners were looking to arrange for their daughter.
They had told their daughter that they were going to get her rapid tested for her to be able to attend school.
However, Gassner said that one of his daughter’s coaches at the school told her to get the COVID jab, so that she could access the school property.
This was due to her being denied access to the college, according to Gassner.
“That Sunday morning she went to the college and, when she entered, they asked if she was vaccinated and she said no,’” Gassner said.
“She didn’t understand and had no concept of what they were requesting of her,” Gassner said.
As a result, Gassner’s daughter was given a COVID shot at a local pharmacy despite Gassner saying that the family was in the process of getting a medical exemption from the shot for their daughter.
According to Gassner, the only identification the pharmacy asked for was her daughter’s Alberta healthcare card.
The Gassners only learned through a text message that their daughter had had the jab. She sent them a message saying, “On Sunday I got my first shot and the rapid one is tomorrow.”
“I had to get it if I wanted to go to class yesterday. It was a big needle that they put in my arm,” the daughter texted to her mom, according to the Western Standard.
Gassner said his daughter does not “know the difference between the vaccine and rapid testing,” thinking it’s the “same thing.”
Dad says his daughter is now showing ill health effects after taking the jab
According to Gassner, the COVID jabs have impacted his daughter.
Although he said they are thankful she did not have “an anaphylactic reaction to the shot,” since taking the jab “everything has gone completely upside down with her.”
Gassner said that all of a sudden she has had two “confirmed grand mal seizures” despite it being seven years since her last seizure. He also said his daughter’s cognitive abilities have suffered.
According to Gassner as reported in the Western Standard, a neurologist told them that “logically speaking, something has changed” to their daughter, but would not admit it was due to the jab.
Gassner also said since having the jab his daughter’s cognitive abilities have also “crumbled.”
Under 18-year-olds allowed jab under loophole called ‘mature consent’
In Alberta, parental consent is needed for anyone under 18 to be jabbed with any vaccine.
However, many pharmacies have been known to use a loophole that allows for those 16 and up to get the COVID jabs under what is called “mature consent.”
LifeSiteNews contacted the Alberta Ministry of Health to clarify the official rules surrounding giving jabs to minors, as well to ask why loopholes are being allowed at the pharmacy level.
Kerry Williamson, a spokesperson from the Alberta Ministry of Health, told LifeSiteNews that the “AHS mature minor policy” is “not used for COVID-19 immunizations provided at school-based clinics.”
“All students who are under 18 years of age require a signed consent form,” Williamson said.
According to information on AHS’s website, “Parental consent for minors under the age of 18 is required.”
However, AHS goes on to state that “in some circumstances, a minor may be determined to be a mature minor who has the capacity to consent to being vaccinated on their own behalf. This is determined on a case-by-case basis.”
According to AHS, if a parent is not willing to “provide consent,” then all a youth needs to do who wants the jab is to talk with a “healthcare provider.”
“In some circumstances, a youth under the age of 18 may be determined to be a mature minor who has the capacity to consent to being vaccinated on their own behalf,” AHS says. “This is determined by each healthcare provider and takes into consideration a number of factors including age, and ability to understand the benefits and risk of the vaccine.”
Some doctors in Alberta have spoken out against the ill effects they have witnessed from the jabs.
Alberta physician Dr. Chris Gordillo recently spoke out against the ill effects he has witnessed from the injections.
The COVID jab trials have never produced evidence that vaccines stop infection or transmission. They do not even claim to reduce hospitalization, but the measurement of success is in preventing severe symptoms of COVID-19.
All of the COVID jabs are still experimental, with clinical trials not being completed until 2023.
Also, there have been reports of thousands of people who have developed tumors after getting their COVID shots.
The COVID-19 injections approved for emergency use in Canada, including the Pfizer jab for ages 12 and up, all have connections to cells derived from aborted babies.
All four have also been associated with severe side effects such as blood clots, rashes, miscarriages, and even heart attacks in young, healthy men.