WASHINGTON, July 6, 2012 (LifeSiteNews.com) – House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told reporters the day the Supreme Court upheld the federal health care law that the late Senator Ted Kennedy was “busily at work” after death to keep the reform afloat in the courts as well as Congress, CNSNews.com reported.
“I knew that when he left us he would go to Heaven and help pass the bill,” said Pelosi June 28, “and now I know he was busily at work until this decision came down, inspiring one way or another, and now he can rest in peace. His dream for America’s families has become a reality.”
Pelosi said she spoke to Kennedy’s widow Vicki and son Patrick following the 5-4 ruling, “thanking them for the important role that he played, a lifetime of commitment to making healthcare a right, not a privilege in our country.”
One of Kennedy’s last great political impacts before his death was his role in introducing the health care reform bill, which passed seven months after the Massachusetts senator succumbed to brain cancer in 2009.