INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana, August 17, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Donald Trump’s running mate kept the Republican ticket’s pro-life theme going this past weekend, declaring on a Sunday news program that he is pro-life and does not apologize for it.
Indiana Governor and GOP vice presidential candidate Mike Pence was asked on Fox News Sunday why his state would have the authority to limit the reasons a child could be aborted, a reference to the Indiana law that Pence signed earlier this year banning abortions for genetic abnormalities, race, or sex.
“Well, I'm pro-life,” Pence told Chris Wallace in response. “I don't apologize for it.”
“I'd like to see Roe vs. Wade overturned and consigned to the ash heap of history,” he said.
Pence explained how Indiana’s position was justified and not unique, stating that “abortions for the reason of race or sex are morally offensive, and we stand by that.”
“But we also cherish those who have disabilities in the state of Indiana,” the GOP governor said, “and taking a step in the direction of protecting the unborn — who are facing physical challenges and disabilities, I think was the right thing to do.”
Pence has promised throughout the campaign that in a Trump-Pence administration Roe vs. Wade would be delivered to “the ash heap of history where it belongs.”
He has said repeatedly that he is pro-life and doesn’t apologize for that, also praising pregnancy help centers earlier his month on Fox News’ O’Reilly Factor.
Trump’s choice of running mate in Pence, who has a 100 percent pro-life record with the National Right to Life Committee and 0 percent scores with Planned Parenthood and NARAL, was confirmed as a pro-life win when pro-aborts immediately jumped to disparage his record on life as Indiana governor.
With Pence representing a threat to abortion, a cash cow for the abortion industry and a sacred cow for the left, the claws came out and the attacks tried to paint him as a dangerous misogynist who would “drag the country back to the Stone Age.”
Planned Parenthood further stooped to distributing anti-Trump condoms at the Republican National Convention (RNC) last month, a pro-abort protester screaming that Pence was waging a war on women at the RNC was removed from the event on its first night, and alleged comments by Pence on rape victims used by pro-aborts to smear the Republican candidate were later found to be false.
Asked again on Sunday by Wallace whether he still believed abortion should be prohibited for the reasons in the Indiana law, Pence replied, “I believe in the sanctity of life, and I stand for that principle, and I'm grateful to be standing with Donald Trump in his strong commitment to the right to life.”
Watch Pence’s pro-life comments here.