HARRISBURG, December 5, 2002 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Pennsylvania Gov. Mark Schweiker yesterday signed into law a bill that adds ‘sexual orientation’ to the state’s hate crime – Ethnic Intimidation law. The legislation, drafted by a homosexual activist group, was fought by Christian groups which warned that it would threaten freedom of religion and freedom of speech for Christian preachers and pastors among others.
“Those especially at risk are conservative religious people who may very well find themselves hauled into court unless they keep their mouths shut for being politically incorrect,” Laurel Lynn Petolicchio, a constitutional activist told the Washington Times. “This legislation basically sets up for a lawsuit against any minister or religious leader who publicly states that certain sexual behavior is immoral or improper. That is in direct violation of the state Constitution.” The legislation calls for longer jail terms and higher fines for crimes motivated by hatred on the specified grounds. Drafted by Philadelphia-based Center for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights (CLGCR), the change added “ancestry, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender or gender identity” to the specified list of grounds which originally included race, color, religion or national origin. The state House passed the bill 118-79 last week and it passed the Senate last year 32-15. See the Washington Times coverage: https://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20021204-78946526.htm