
LIMA, Peru, Jan 11 (LSN)  Funded in part by the United Nations and the United States, the Peruvian government continues to implement a coercive population control program complete with forced sterilization. The Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute reported last week on the current situation. Last month, says CAFHRI, the Spanish newspaper El Pais obtained a report which included confirmation from Peruvian officials that medical personnel are pressured to meet sterilization quotas.  The tactics used in Peru (which have been public knowledge since at least 1996) violate the UN s 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). Nevertheless, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) continue to finance elements of the program. In 1997 the UNFPA reconfirmed its support of the program with US$11 million to be spent through 2001.  For more information on the population control programs in Peru see the following Interim articles: