Peruvian Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani has strongly criticized efforts by international pro-abortion and pro-homosexual organizations to negatively influence foreign investment in Peru unless the country adopts laws favorable to their causes.
On his radio program “Faith Dialogues” recently, he called these efforts to promote agendas through financial means nothing but “blackmail,” and demanded Peruvian lawmakers ignore them.
“It is not a question of other democratic countries with more money, such as the United States, intervening in ours,” pointed out the prelate. “We can have political synergy on political and migratory matters with other countries; but we cannot allow other countries and international organizations to demand that foreign investment in Peru be tied to their social and legal agendas. That is blackmail.”
“We cannot compromise a country’s autonomy in matters as important as the defense of life and of marriage between one man and one woman. I will believe this even unto death. Life is an absolute good and cannot be subject to conditions,” he said.
Cardinal Cipriani has accused liberals in the Peruvian media of being complicit in this effort by focusing the public’s attention on inconsequential subjects rather than engaging an in-depth debate of the serious issues facing the nation. He referred to coverage of the news as a smokescreen designed to divert attention from the real issues.
“They fabricate stories of death and dramatic situations,” said the cardinal. “Where people wish to learn whether truth and justice are being served, they report nothing.” He compared the media’s obvious attempt to manipulate public opinion to Peruvian media in the 1990s. “Their front pages are like the ones in the 90s. I recognize the stench.”
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In his exhortation to the media, the cardinal pointed out that the Peruvian population “is asking that more attention be paid to matters of health, when and how to abort is not a priority.”
He also encouraged the prestigious National Academy of Medicine, the School of Medicine and the School of Obstetrics to enter the debate. “The church and medicine defend both lives. Ideology, not medicine, maintains that we must choose,” he said.
The archbishop went on to defend the Church’s involvement in the raging debate regarding the new guidelines for “therapeutic abortion” in Peru by pointing out, “It’s not that the Church wishes to impose its ideas. The Church raises a flag for those who have been abandoned.”
The archbishop praised the Peruvian population’s courageous faith and support of life and the family, and he thanked people of faith for supporting his mission. “I would like to thank you with great humility and affection,” he said. “I believe that the word of God and the faith of our country have great weight. We have the great responsibility of reflecting as best we can the confidence we have in God.”