LIMA, February 17, 2011 ( – Despite the aspirations of major presidential candidates to legalize abortion and homosexual ‘marriage’ in Peru, the vast majority of Peruvians say they are opposed to both ideas, according to a new poll.
More than three quarters of Peruvians, 76.3%, said they were opposed to the legalization of abortion, and only 17.4% said they support it. Another 6.3% said that they either didn’t know or had no opinion.
Asked if they were “in favor or against civil unions among homosexuals,” 69.5% answered in the negative, and only 20.8% in the affirmative. The numbers were even more unfavorable for homosexual ‘marriage’: 74.7% were opposed, and only 14% were in favor.
Although both sexes overwhelmingly rejected both the killing of unborn children and the legal endorsement of homosexual behavior, women were 3.3% more likely to oppose abortion than men, while men were 8.3% more likely to oppose homosexual “marriage” than women.
A strong majority also rejected the legalization of drugs: 92.2% were against, vs. 4.2% in favor.
The results were hailed by Peruvian Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani, who has denounced recent campaigns to encourage abortion as an agenda promoted by the United States, and particularly American billionaire George Soros.
As LifeSiteNews has reported in recent months, Peru is being targeted by the Obama administration and international abortionist organizations such as Planned Parenthood, which are flooding the country with condoms and seeking to lower the age of sexual consent to 14, policies that critics say would encourage sexual exploitation of teenagers and out of wedlock intercourse, a phenomenon that is currently rare among Peruvian youth.
The poll was undertaken by CPI, a Peruvian company that studies public opinion. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.3%.