December 12, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — A petition to Pope Francis asking him to “dispel confusion” in the Church by responding to the Cardinals’ five yes-or-no questions has been signed by over 22,000 people, surpassing the initial goal set at 10,000.
The petition titled “To Pope Francis: I support the 4 cardinals' letter pleading for clarity” was created by LifeSiteNews using its LifePetitions platform three weeks ago. It comes after the four Cardinals went public with their letter asking the Pope if his exhortation Amoris Laetitia conforms to Catholic moral teaching on marriage, the Sacraments, the moral law, and the nature and role of conscience.
So far, about 400 petition signers have also taken the additional step provided by the platform of mailing a physical postcard to the Pope in Rome stating their concerns.
Addressed to “His Holiness, Pope Francis,” the petition reads:
Recently four cardinals sent you a letter expressing their concerns about what they called the “grave disorientation” and “great confusion” that has followed in the wake of the publication of the apostolic exhortation, Amoris Laetitia.
Bearing in mind canon law (§ 212:3) which states that the faithful “have the right and even at times the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church” I express to you my full support for the content of the cardinals' letter. I also add my voice to their urgent request that you dispel confusion by responding to their five questions with a clear affirmation of the perennial teaching of the Church on marriage, the Sacraments, the moral law, and the nature and role of conscience.
Finally, I assure you of my heartfelt and daily prayers, that you be given the grace to lead Holy Mother Church with wisdom, prudence, and a courageous commitment to proclaiming the Gospel of Life in season and out of season.
The petition can be found here.
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