PHOENIX, Arizona, May 24, 2011 ( – A Phoenix woman who doctors feared was in a life-threatening pregnancy due to the fact that she was carrying her child outside her womb, has now given birth to a healthy baby boy.
The Arizona Republic reports that Nicollete Soto, 27, refused to consider abortion, even though doctors told her that her life was at risk.
Instead, she continued with the pregnancy up to week 32 before doctors delivered a premature, but healthy little boy, Azelan Cruz, weighing 2 pounds, 14 ounces. The name is a variation of Aslan, the name of the lion who is a central Christ-like figure throughout C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia.
“We took a risk,” Soto’s boyfriend, Victor Perfecto, told the Republic. “We left it for the doctors to decide when to deliver the baby and God to decide everything else.”
“She decided, ‘I want to keep going,’ ” he said. “All I could do is support her and be there.”
Surgeons feared that the baby’s placenta may have attached to a vital organ in Soto’s abdomen, meaning that any rupture could have led to a catastrophic loss of blood. A team of surgeons was on hand for any emergency. However, doctors discovered upon delivery that the baby had attached to a spot where the fallopian tube joins with the uterus – what they call a cornual pregnancy.
The area usually does not stretch and the tube ruptures between 12 – 14 weeks. But according to the Republic, Dr. Rodney Edwards, director of the Maternal Fetal Medicine Center at Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center, explained that Soto’s tube just continued to stretch, allowing her to continue to carry the baby.
He also said he could not recall any case of a cornual pregnancy resulting in the successful delivery of a baby.
“This is just a case that proves, in medicine, nothing happens ‘always’ or ‘never,’ ” Edwards added.
Read all the details in the full story at the Arizona Republic.