
Success rates no higher than 13 to 17 per cent, says geneticist

MILAN, Italy, Nov. 1 ( – There is a growing scientific movement against artificial insemination, says a pioneer in the genetic field. Father Angelo Serra told a pro-life conference in Turin, Italy that the technique fails in as many as 87 per cent of cases and has grave psychological consequences. Zenit News reported that Fr. Serra has been an assistant to Nobel Prize winner Renato Dulbecco, and is professor emeritus of human genetics at the Catholic University of Rome.

He said success rates of no higher than 13 to 17 per cent still exist after 20 years of experimentation, and 50 per cent of frozen embryos are never gestated. This has prompted various practitioners of artificial insemination to join a movement against it and create an opinion group with Chicago’s Institute for Science, Law and Technology.

Meanwhile, Nicola Garcea, a professor of endocrinology at the Catholic University of Rome, warned of experimentation taking place with the fertilization of gametes obtained from preborn girls aborted in their fourth or fifth month of existence. This has the potential of producing a child of a person who was never born.

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