NEW YORK, February 8, 2011 ( – Following the release of a fourth undercover video showing Planned Parenthood employees cooperating with sex traffickers, the abortion organization has released another statement that both calls the tapes “clearly doctored” and “not accurate,” and announces a retraining program to reinforce abuse reporting protocol among employees.
Stuart Schear, Vice President for Communications for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, claimed that the use of multiple video and audio sources in the New York footage released this week increases “the opportunity for manipulation and selective editing.”
“Planned Parenthood of New York City has reviewed this video carefully, and it is clear that the video cannot be trusted. The conversation as portrayed on this doctored videotape is not accurate. These tapes are clearly doctored and cannot be trusted,” said Schear in a lengthy statement released Tuesday.
The full, unedited video footage of the New York sting operation was released by Live Action at the same time as the shortened version, which includes an embedded link to the uncut version.
Schear said that the two workers featured in latest video claimed to FBI agents that they did not hear the man posing as a pimp mention the words “sex work,” as heard in the video. Schear suggested that employees were nonetheless suspicious enough not to allow the undercover pair “to get beyond the reception desk for a private consultation.”
The Planned Parenthood spokesman said that, “Like other encounters that have been recently publicized in Virginia, our staff responded professionally to questions, discussed these encounters with management, and provided a report to the FBI.”
National pro-life leaders and lawmakers have called for further investigations and the defunding of Planned Parenthood, which receives hundreds of millions in taxpayer funds each year, in light of the new wave of videos recorded in New Jersey, Virginia, and New York Planned Parenthood clinics.
At the end of his statement, Schear noted that Planned Parenthood has initiated a retraining program for employees to ensure reporting of abuse.
“Planned Parenthood just announced an April 1, 2011, deadline for all health center staff and educators who have contact with patients and teens be retrained in understanding our policies and procedures for responding to situations that indicate that the welfare of a minor is endangered,” he said.
According to FOX News, the organization’s “zero tolerance policy” demanding termination of the offending employees marked a change from previous protocol, which involved punishments such as suspension and retraining.
Live Action’s David Schmidt criticized Schear for calling the tape “doctored” while admitting to a member of Bill O’Reilly’s production team that, “I actually have not seen the whole tape yet.”
“Planned Parenthood, what is doctored? You are making serious allegations. What specifically was doctored?” asked Schmidt. “The truth is, the video is accurate just like all our of past investigative videos.”