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WASHINGTON, D.C., April 5, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – A form signed by Planned Parenthood abortionists states that they perform no “substantive alteration” to the abortion procedure in order to procure fetal organs and tissue, despite the fact that undercover videos show multiple Planned Parenthood employees offering to alter the procedure and describing how they do so.

A consent form produced by Planned Parenthood Mar Monte requires the abortionist to sign a statement saying, “No substantive alteration in the timing of terminating the pregnancy or of the method used was made for the purpose of obtaining the tissue.”

But the consent form's assertion directly contradicts the words of Planned Parenthood employees caught on tape by the Center for Medical Progress.

Actors posing as biomedical researchers asked Melissa Farrell, director of research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, about obtaining an unborn child's body intact.

“If we alter our process, and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers,” Farrell replied, she can simply change the way accounting bills the company. “It’s all just a matter of line items.”

The revelation that abortionists change the procedure to obtain the requested organs was made in the first video, featuring Dr. Deborah Nucatola.

Dr. Nucatola, who trains all Planned Parenthood abortionists nationwide as senior director of medical services, discussed using “less crunchy” methods of abortion.

Also an abortionist, she said she would gather with her staff before the day's abortions to review the specific body parts the biomedical companies desired.

“We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that,” she said, “so I’m not gonna crush that part. I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”

The consent form's wording mirrors federal law, which requires that “no alteration of the timing, method, or procedures used to terminate the pregnancy was made solely for the purposes of obtaining the tissue.”

The Department of Health and Human Services' guidebook for such procedures states, “The timing and method of abortion should not be influenced by the potential uses of fetal tissue for transplantation or medical research.”

In addition to that legal issue, Dr. Nucatola said she and others sometimes employ a process that could be a partial birth abortion.

“Some people will actually try to change the presentation so that it’s not vertex [head first],” she said. “So, if you do it starting from the breech presentation [feet first]…often, the last step, you can evacuate an intact calvarium [the head] at the end.”

President George W. Bush signed a law outlawing partial birth abortion in 2003. It, too, is a federal felony punishable by two years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

The same consent form has come under fire from pro-life groups for saying that scientific research using aborted fetal organs and tissue has been used to “find a cure for such diseases as diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and AIDS.”