WASHINGTON, December 10, 2002 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Planned Parenthood’s use of tax dollars to generate business, rather than teen pregnancy prevention programs intended for those funds, is coming under scrutiny. “It sounds as though it is money funded through Title V [of the Welfare Reform Act],” Jerry Gramckow, a specialist in Abstinence Education with Focus on the Family, told CNSNews.com. Teen sex ed programs using Title V dollars from Washington are required, as their “exclusive purpose,” to teach the “social, psychological, and health gains to be realized by abstaining from sexual activity,” and “abstinence from sexual activity outside of marriage as the expected standard for all school age children,” Mr. Grahckow maintains. For CNSNews coverage see: https://www.cnsnews.com/Culture/archive/200212/CUL20021210a.html
WASHINGTON, December 10, 2002 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Planned Parenthood’s use of tax dollars to generate business, rather than teen pregnancy prevention programs intended for those funds, is coming under scrutiny. “It sounds as though it is money funded through Title V [of the Welfare Reform Act],” Jerry Gramckow, a specialist in Abstinence Education with Focus on the Family, told CNSNews.com. Teen sex ed programs using Title V dollars from Washington are required, as their “exclusive purpose,” to teach the “social, psychological, and health gains to be realized by abstaining from sexual activity,” and “abstinence from sexual activity outside of marriage as […]