TALLAHASSEE, FL, April 8, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Planned Parenthood lobbyist Alisa LaPolt Snow balanced her support for infanticide with a softer side, serving on the board of her local Catholic Charities, according to the biography on her website, and an online report.
LaPolt Snow drew national condemnation recently when she told Florida state representatives late last month that, if a baby is born alive during a botched abortion, the decision about whether to save its life “should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician.”
She was testifying on behalf of her employer, the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, which opposes a pending infants born-alive abortion bill.
Matthew Archbold of Creative Minority Report noticed that the biography posted on the website of Snow's business, Snow Strategies, states that she “serves on the board of Catholic Charities of Northwest Florida-Tallahassee.”
“I called the Catholic Charities office, and [a woman] told me that Lapolt-Snow did indeed serve on the board until leaving in January,” stated Archbold, who is also a regular writer for the National Catholic Register. “She didn't explain further.”
“How horrifying is that?” he said. “A lobbyist for Planned Parenthood was a board member for a Catholic Charities office. I can't believe that it's not clear to everyone that you cannot advocate for the killing of babies and be a Catholic. Just can't.”
Catholic charitable organization across the United States and abroad have increasingly been subject to calls for reform in the wake of a series of revelations about questionable funding and hiring practices.
In July 2011, Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) confirmed to LifeSiteNews that it had hired homosexual lobbyist Tom Sheridan's firm, the Sheridan Group, to work on its behalf.
Earlier that year, Catholic Charities of San Francisco (CCCYO) invited a number of pro-abortion legislators to its annual Loaves and Fishes fundraising dinner, including U.S. Representative Lynn Woolsey and State Senator S. Joseph Simitian, both of whom had a 100 percent pro-abortion record with NARAL.
Two years earlier CCUSA urged the faithful to support President Obama's health care bill, ObamaCare, “immediately,” although the law lacked a provision excluding abortion funding. The move ran contrary to the policy of the U.S. bishops, who stated any bill “must exclude mandated coverage for abortion.”
Investigators previously discovered that the director of programs and services of San Francisco Catholic Charities had adopted children with his homosexual “partner,” in contravention of Catholic teaching. When pressed, the charity's leaders publicly supported the director.
“Catholic Charities in general have been the most progressive wing of the church other than the nuns,” explained Sister Jeannine Gramick, one of the founders of New Ways Ministry. That dissident group, which has been condemned by the USCCB and the Vatican for its dissenting teachings on homosexuality, hopes Pope Francis will call a Vatican III Council.
The Vatican has attempted to rein in charities guilty of precisely these kinds of linkages. Last December, Pope Benedict XVI issued the Motu Proprio “De Caritate Ministranda” (“On the service of Charity”), stating, “The Church's charitable activity at all levels” must be “managed in conformity with the demands of the Church’s teaching and the intentions of the faithful.”
He added on January 19, “We must exercise a critical vigilance and at times refuse funding and collaborations that, directly or indirectly, favour actions or projects that are at odds with Christian anthropology.”
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If they do not comply, charities may no longer call themselves “Catholic.”
LifeSiteNews.com greeted joined with other concerned organizations to launch the Charity in Truth Project to further the pope's intention.
“The Pope’s moto propio is a welcome corrective to the corrosive secularization of many Catholic agencies around the world, including the Catholic Relief Services in the U.S.” Population Research Institute President Stephen Mosher told LifeSiteNews.