Washington, DC February 25, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Planned Parenthood Federation of America recently posted on its web site its so-called service numbers for 2009. This document, dated February 2011, shows that Planned Parenthood committed 332,278 surgical and medical abortions in 2009—more than in any previous year.
The document also shows that Planned Parenthood provided prenatal services to merely 7,021 women and referred 977 for adoption services. These numbers were a 25 percent drop in prenatal care clients and a whopping 59 percent decline in adoption referrals.
“Despite its protestations that abortion is only a small part of its services,” said Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League, “Planned Parenthood has increased its number of abortions for 15 straight years. During that time, it has gone from committing 9.3 percent of all abortions in the United States to committing 27.5 percent.”
Sedlak also noted that Planned Parenthood now does 340 abortions for every one adoption referral and 47 abortions for every one prenatal care client.
“The records show that Planned Parenthood has committed 5,320,095 surgical and medical abortions from 1970 through the end of 2009,” Sedlak continued. “We estimate that the income from abortion accounts for 40 percent of its annual clinic income.”
In the last year it has been revealed by Abby Johnson, former PP clinic director in Bryan, Texas, that Planned Parenthood was pressuring her to do more and more abortions because PP makes more money from abortions than any other single service. It was also revealed by Planned Parenthood’s affiliate in Corpus Christi, Texas, that the national office is demanding that every affiliate must have at least one facility that commits abortion.
“When all the current numbers are taken together with the revelations from PP’s own former employees,” Sedlak concluded, “it is clear that Planned Parenthood is about killing human beings in the womb for a profit. It is an absolute outrage that American taxpayers have been funding such a group and we ask all members of Congress to take steps now to end this funding.”
* Planned Parenthood service numbers
* Detailed statistics of Planned Parenthood’s last five years
* Chart of Planned Parenthood’s 2009 pregnancy services