WASHINGTON, D.C., December 18, 2002 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) press release this week was picked up by numerous media organizations trumpeting the ‘news’ that “Study Shows Emergency Contraception Contributed Significantly to Drop in Abortion Rate.” Douglas R. Scott, president of Life Decisions International reacted to the ‘news’ saying that PPFA “continues to mislead the public about how ‘emergency contraception’ works.”“First of all, ‘emergency contraception’ is a misnomer,” Scott said. “There is no emergency and the drug is not a contraceptive.” But Scott said there is an even bigger lie that PPFA’s propaganda machine continues to spread. “So-called ‘emergency contraception’ is an abortion! It does not prevent the creation of a new human life. It destroys the life of a developing human being.” According to the PPFA press release, “A significant proportion of the recent decline in the abortion rate in the United States can be attributed to emergency contraception (EC), according to a study released today by the Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI). Contraceptive Use Among U.S. Women Having Abortions in 2000-2001 estimates that EC use prevented 51,000 abortions in 2000.”“Even if it were true that such birth control was responsible for a decrease in the abortion rate, it would refer only to surgical abortions, not chemical abortions,” Scott said. “The fact is that Planned Parenthood continues to increase its market share in the abortion industry-both in surgical and chemical abortions. It is the group that is primarily responsible for the shocking increase in abortions-all types of abortions.”
He also points out that The Alan Guttmacher Institute is the “research arm” of PPFA. “This is like Phillip Morris releasing a study that says smoking keeps people from dying of old age,” Scott said. (with files from Pro-Life E-News Canada)