WASHINGTON, D.C., November 8, 2012, (LifeSiteNews.com) – Planned Parenthood’s two super PACs collectively spent over $15 million dollars on this year’s election. While almost $2 million was dedicated to ads in support of President Obama, four-times that amount—more than $8 million—went toward negative ads against Mitt Romney.
Its congressional and gubernatorial campaign was even more lopsided, with $900,000 spent on negative ads and only $200,000 on positive.
The abortion giant targeted Romney for his promise to defund the group.
Planned Parenthood unleashed with a strategy that was focused and severe. It branded Romney as “anti-women’s health” and a leader in the “war on women,” hammering that message repeatedly over every media outlet and in battleground states.
In the final four days of the campaign alone, the Planned Parenthood Action Fund and local Planned Parenthood advocacy organizations collectively ran neighborhood canvasses in 22 states and phone banking operations in 24 states.
In just four days, the groups made more than 845,000 calls, knocked on more than 100,000 doors, and organized more than 2,000 volunteers in key states including Virginia, Ohio, Montana, Colorado, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania.
The campaign efforts means the abortion provider, with labor unions, has become a major component of the Democratic Party’s campaign apparatus.
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Obama, a long-time friend of Planned Parenthood, adopted the group’s talking points, making them one of the main tenants of his campaign. He even reminded America of his commitment to the abortion industry just one day before voters took to the polls. He promised a repeat of the budget standoff of 2011 should Planned Parenthood be threatened with defunding again.
Obama urged women to “vote like their lady parts depend on it” with the underlying assumption that free contraception and abortion are what women treasure most.
Planned Parenthood took its victory as proof it was right about what motivates a woman’s vote.
“This election sends a powerful and unmistakable message to members of Congress and state legislatures all around the country,” said President Cecile Richards, “that the American people do not want politicians to meddle in our personal medical decisions, and that politicians demean and dismiss women at their own peril.”