WARSAW, Poland, Dec 18 (LSN)—The Polish parliament has approved the decision by the Polish high court to overturn a liberal abortion law that was criticized by Pope John Paul II during his recent visit to his native land. The lax abortion law, imposed by the “former” communists who were voted in prior to the now ruling Solidarity government, allowed doctors to kill preborn children up to 12 weeks of age if the mother was deemed to face financial or emotional difficulties. Poland’s high court deemed the permissive law unconstitutional in May, but it remained in effect for six-months. On Wednesday, the Polish parliament voted 231-160 to endorse the Constitutional Tribunal’s ruling. Thus abortion in Poland is restricted to when giving birth endangers the woman’s life, the fetus is irreparably damaged or pregnancy results from rape or incest. This relatively strict law was introduced in 1993 after four decades of abortion on demand under communism.
WARSAW, Poland, Dec 18 (LSN)—The Polish parliament has approved the decision by the Polish high court to overturn a liberal abortion law that was criticized by Pope John Paul II during his recent visit to his native land. The lax abortion law, imposed by the “former” communists who were voted in prior to the now ruling Solidarity government, allowed doctors to kill preborn children up to 12 weeks of age if the mother was deemed to face financial or emotional difficulties. Poland’s high court deemed the permissive law unconstitutional in May, but it remained in effect for six-months. On Wednesday, […]