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Calgary Police serve a notice of appeal to Pastor Derek Reimer.X

CALGARY, Alberta (LifeSiteNews) — Police visited the house of a well-known Canadian Christian pastor who has been vocal against LGBT ideology after he was served a notice of appeal for a judge’s recent acquittal of his charges for protesting transgender story times at public libraries, LifeSiteNews learned.

Pastor Derek Reimer of Mission 7 Ministries told LifeSiteNews that members of the Calgary Police Service came to his house on October 17 with the notice of appeal. Reimer was not at home, but he was notified by his wife that police were there.

“My wife called and told me that cops were waiting for me outside my house,” Reimer, who at the time was on his way home, told LifeSiteNews.

“I instructed her to record them and ask if I had a warrant for my arrest. They said they didn’t.”

Reimer said he was worried that the police were there for his “arrest” because last year his probation officer told him he had a warrant for missing court, which he said he never missed. Also, his wife was concerned because she is 37 weeks’ pregnant and was worried her husband would be taken away.

“So, I was relieved I wasn’t going to jail that day, so receiving appeal papers in comparison wasn’t so bad,” he said.

Reimer said he was “mildly disappointed” with being served a notice of appeal but was “quickly encouraged with the thought of what the Lord could do with this.”

“How sweet would the victory be after beating them twice at their own game!” he told LifeSiteNews.

“I’m trusting in the Lord and am at peace as the battle belongs to Him.”

Video of Reimer being served the appeal by police was posted by Rebel News.

As reported by LifeSiteNews in September, Judge Allan Fradsham ruled that Reimer is not guilty of a criminal offense for protesting a pro-LGBT “drag” event marketed to kids called “Reading with Royalty” that took place at the Seton Public Library in Calgary in February 2023.

The notice of appeal concerns this specific incident, however, and it remains to be seen what the outcome will be.

The Calgary pastor has been hit with multiple charges for taking a stand against LGBT-themed “drag” events targeted at kids.

In October, Reimer learned he would have a criminal conviction after a judge found him guilty of breaching his bail conditions because he spoke out against a “drag queen story time” event for children at another public library. His bail conditions placed against him from a previous charge for protesting against a similar LGBT-linked event banned him from being within 200 meters of a public place holding LGBT-themed events.

Reimer is still facing sentencing for other acts of protest against “drag queen story hours,” for which he has been found guilty of “criminal harassment.” Sentencing will occur on November 28.

He faces the possibility of being fined $10,000 for each charge or six months in jail.

As reported by LifeSiteNews earlier this year, trespassing charges against Reimer for praying in a municipal building were dismissed.

He has been arrested many times for protesting “drag queen story time” and other pro-LGBT events.

Reimer has also been the target of harassment for protesting these events. Last April, his van was vandalized with an anti-Christian message as well as a satanic symbol while he was in jail after yet another arrest related to his pro-family activism.

Last year, Calgary passed a new so-called “Safe and Inclusive Access Bylaw” that disallows “specified protests” both inside and outside all city-owned and affiliated public buildings.

The bylaw means that anyone protesting pro-LGBT events at public buildings will be barred from getting within 100 meters of any such location.

