Monday November 8, 2010
Police Raid Australian Abortion Mill after 58 Patients Contract Hepatitis C
By Wanda Skowronska
MELBOURNE, AU, November 8, 2010 ( – Police have raided an abortion mill in Melbourne Australia linked to an anaesthetist alleged to have infected patients with hepatitis C. Anaesthetist Dr. James Latham Peters was suspended in February after numerous woman were found to have been infected with hepatitis C after being treated by Peters in a suburban Melbourne abortion facility.
In the period between 2006 and 2009, the ABC reports that 58 women at the abortion centre have tested positive to hepatitis C and that of these, 35 cases have been linked back to Peters, who is himself infected with the disease.
Executive director of Australia’s Family Life International Scott McKendry responded to the news of the raid, saying, “Are we surprised when doctors who participate in abortion lose all vestiges of ethical medical practice? These medical practitioners are no longer healing but rather harming and this inversion is bound to lead to such disturbing instances of abuse as this.”
Other clinics and private homes were subsequently raided. Victoria’s chief health officer, Dr. John Carnie, stated that screening of patients would be widened to include another 1100 people seen at three other clinics at which Dr. Peters worked.
See related coverage:
Abortion Clinic Anesthetist Accused of Infecting 12 Women with Hepatitis C