By Hilary White
WARSAW, March 12, 2007 ( – The people of Poland are remaining firm as the country struggles to remain steadfastly opposed to expansion of abortion. A poll by Polska Grupa Badawcza has found that a majority of Poles support strengthening the law protecting human life from conception to natural death.
52.4% of Poles would support a constitutional amendment to ban abortion and euthanasia in all cases. Currently abortion is legal in cases where the pregnancy is due to rape or incest or there are foetal abnormalities. Only 15% were definitely against an amendment.
Currently, while the rate of abortions in Poland is relatively low because of legal restrictions, the numbers are rising and international groups are agitating, as in most countries with strong protections for the unborn, for wider permissions.
In response to the pressure from international abortion-activists, one party has begun a movement to have the right to life enshrined in the Polish constitution. The League of Polish Families (LPR) is seeking a constitutional amendment that would guarantee “the legal right to life from the moment of conception.”
In 2003, the UK’s Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), warned that a move was afoot in the EU to have the right to abortion installed in the European Constitution. In countries such as Ireland and Argentina, where the right to life is a constitutional matter, abortion pushers have had a more difficult time overturning the law.
Media and European abortion supporters have reacted as expected and are receiving some support within Poland’s political culture as well. Poland’s First Lady, Maria Kaczynska, responding to the debate, said that Poland’s protections of the unborn and vulnerable patients and elderly are sufficient.
The First Lady’s objection to the pro-life proposal came at a meeting held on International Women’s Day, an observance established by the United Nations to help promote the feminist movement’s international agenda. Polish Radio reports that the meeting was held at the presidential palace and was attended by “well-known leftist feminists.”
Krzysztof Bosak of the League of Polish Families told Polish Radio, “We introduced this proposition because we want Poland to be a truly democratic country where fundamental human rights are respected. The abortion law that we have now is eugenic. It divides people into those who deserve to be born and those who don’t. We cannot accept that in the 21st century. We believe that all people deserve human rights – also those who are disabled.”
Read related coverage:
Poland may End Rape/Incest Abortion Exception
UK Pro-Life Group Warns EU Constitution May Establish Continental ‘Right’ to Abortion on Demand
Malta Pro-Life Urges Constitutional Protection for Unborn