
By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman

FRANCE, July 22, 2008 ( – An opinion poll commissioned by the French publication Le Journal du Dimanche (The Sunday Journal) last month indicates that a large majority of the country’s population apparently now favors homosexual “marriage,” and a small majority now seems to support adoption for homosexual couples. If they are indeed an accurate reflection of the general public mood, the poll results represent a huge shift of opinion in only two years.

According to the survey, 62% of respondents were in favor of allowing homosexual “marriage,” up from 45% in a similar survey conducted in 2006, and 51% were in favor of allowing homosexual couples to adopt, up from 36% in 2006.

Public opinion in 2006 was seen to favor a move towards “family values” in France, when current President Nicolas Sarkozy won an election after affirming support for the traditional family and opposing pro-sodomy legislation.

However, under pressure from aggressive homosexual organizations, Sarkozy has flip-flopped on the issue. He has now announced a policy of promoting the decriminalization of sodomy worldwide, as well as support for the “International Day Against Homophobia” (IDAHO) (see LifeSiteNews coverage at

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French Government Seeks “Universal Decriminalization” of Sodomy

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France: 51 % Oppose Homosexual “Marriage,” 60% Oppose Homosexual Adoption

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