Larger Poll Demonstrates Leger Marketing Poll Biased
LONDON, July 3, 2001 ( – A Leger Marketing Poll, of 1,507 Canadians, released today suggests that 75.5% of Canadians believe that someone who helps end the life of a loved one suffering from an incurable and extremely painful illness should not be prosecuted. However, a larger poll conducted by Environics shows the Leger poll does not accurately reflect the views of Canadians.
The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) recently collaborated with the Environics Research Group on their national Focus Canada Omnibus Survey. This national omnibus poll asked 2035 people from across Canada a range of 100 questions including several questions pertaining to end of life issues and the provision of care for vulnerable Canadians. This poll may be the largest poll ever to widely examine the issues surrounding euthanasia.
“The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition recognizes that if you give Canadians the choice between suffering from an extremely painful illness or killing the suffering person, most Canadians would choose ‘mercy killing’,” stated EPC President and retired paediatric oncologist Dr. Barrie deVeber. The EPC encourages people who are suffering from an incurable illness without proper pain management to demand proper care. “Palliative Care medical professionals are able to control 95% of pain and intolerable symptoms,” says deVeber. The real question is “Do Canadians want proper pain management or ‘mercy killing’?”
Dr. deVeber finds that many Canadians support euthanasia because they believe that current levels of long term and end of life care are inadequate. The Environics Poll agrees with his findings: – 72% of respondents stated that if people with disabilities, or those with chronic or terminal disease had access to adequate pain management and social services, there would be less demand for euthanasia. – 42% of respondents stated that access to euthanasia is necessary for people who are critically ill or disabled because current nursing home and end of life care is inadequate. The Environics Poll found that 58% of Canadian respondents oppose ‘mercy killing’ when a parent of a severely disabled child wishes to take the life of their child, as in the case of Robert Latimer. The Environics Poll re-enforces the fact that most people support euthanasia as a response to unbearable and unrelieved suffering.
See the CP story on the Leger poll at:
For more information on the Environics poll call the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition at: 1-877-439-3348.