
By Thaddeus M. Baklinski

VATICAN, October 6, 2008 ( – Pope Benedict XVI expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Board of Directors of the Knights of Columbus, on the occasion of their recent pilgrimage to Rome, for their tireless efforts in promoting the culture of life.

“I express my appreciation of your efforts to provide a solid formation in the faith for young people, and to defend the moral truths necessary for a free and humane society, including the fundamental right to life of every human being,” said the Holy Father.

Pro-life initiatives launched by the Knights of Columbus during election campaigning in both Canada and the US include a radio ad that features the sound of a 10-week-old unborn child’s heartbeat. The voice of a woman muses, “Listening to this makes me wonder – why would anyone question that her life has begun?”

The ad concludes with, “Vote your heart. Vote Pro Life.”

In August Supreme Knight Carl Anderson addressed the 126th annual convention of the Knights of Columbus in Quebec City and pledged the Knights to fight abortion-promoting politicians.

“It’s time we stop accommodating pro-abortion politicians, and it’s time we start demanding that they accommodate us,” said Mr. Anderson in an electrifying speech in which he called for real change on abortion and the end of political manipulation of Catholic voters by abortion advocates.

The Knights have continually worked to keep their members aware of pro-life issues and to motivate them to act in unison as the world’s largest Catholic fraternal organization.

For example, in July all 230,000 KofC members in Canada were called on to demand Henry Morgentaler’s Order of Canada award be revoked.

The full message from the Pope to the Board of Directors of the Knights of Columbus is available here:

Read related articles on the Pro-life work of the Knights of Columbus:

Vote Pro-Life Radio Ads to Air During Canadian Election Courtesy of Knights of Columbus

Supreme Knight of Columbus Calls for Real “Change” on Abortion and Catholic Revolt against Obama Nation

Knights of Columbus Calls on All 230,000 Members to Demand Morgentaler Award be Revoked

Knights of Columbus Pass Resolution to Prohibit Pro-Abortion Politicians from Knights-Sponsored Events

Knights of Columbus Letter to 239,000 Canadian Members says Vote Pro-life and Pro-family