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ROME, March 2, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis warned that climate change could melt the glaciers and cause another “great flood” that could doom the world like in the time of Noah. The Pope said this despite God promising Noah as related in the Book of Genesis that the “waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh,” putting his bow in the clouds as a sign of the promise.
The Pope made the comment in a new book released today titled “Of Vices and Virtues,” an excerpt of which was published by the Italian daily Corriere della Sera over the weekend. The book consists of conversations between the Pope and Marco Pozza, chaplain of the Padua prison in northern Italy.
“God’s wrath is directed against injustice, against Satan,” said the Pope in the new book. “It is directed against evil, not that which derives from human weakness, but evil of Satanic inspiration: the corruption generated by Satan.”
“God’s wrath is meant to bring justice, to ‘clean up,’” he said, pointing to the flood as an example.
“The Bible says that the flood is the result of God’s wrath. It is a figure of God’s wrath, who according to the Bible has seen too many bad things and decides to obliterate humanity.”
Francis seemed to be of two minds regarding whether or not the flood actually happened.
“The biblical flood, according to experts, is a mythical tale. (Now, I hope someone doesn't argue that the Pope said the Bible is a myth!) But myth is a form of knowledge. The flood is a historical tale, archaeologists say, because they found traces of a flood in their excavations.”
He warned that a second flood could happen.
“A great flood, perhaps due to a rise in temperature and the melting of the glaciers is what will happen now if we continue on the same path,” he said.
“God unleashed his wrath, but he saw a righteous one, took him and saved him. The story of Noah shows that God's wrath is also salvific,” he added.
Francis has championed during his pontificate the highly contested claim of man-made climate change. Themes in his pontificate on this topic include “our common home,” the “cry of the earth” coupled with the “cry of the poor,” and “ecological conversion.” He devoted his 2015 encyclical Laudato Si to the topic. Francis, on a few occasions, has interpreted the coronavirus outbreak as nature’s response to mankind over environmental pollution.
In a TED talk last year, the Pope called for action to be taken on “climate change,” claiming that mankind had less than 30 years to act before it would be too late.
“Science tells us, every day, with more precision, that urgent action is needed … if we are to keep the hope of avoiding radical and catastrophic climate change,” he said.