VATICAN CITY, Mar 27, 2001 ( – From his study window on Sunday Pope John Paul II concluded his Angelus prayers and reflections with words of thanks to all those who belong to groups or associations “actively committed against abortion and for life.”
During his reflections he recalled the duty of Christians to “faithfully serve’ the ‘Gospel of life’ entrusted to us by Christ. He said, “In the face of the culture of death and the attacks which, unfortunately, are multiplying against the life of man, may the commitment to defend it in every stage, from the first instant of conception to the twilight of life, never be lacking. May mankind know a renewed springtime of life in respecting and welcoming every human being, in whose face shines the image of Christ! Let us pray for this together with Mary, ‘the living word of comfort for the Church in her struggle against death’.”
Finally the pope said, “Remembering the day in which Mary conceived the Child Jesus, I wish to send a special blessing to women awaiting a child and especially to those who are in difficult situations. To all I say: A child conceived is always an invitation to live and to hope.”
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