VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis’ recent appointment of pro-abortion Mariana Mazzucato to the Pontifical Academy for Life not only denotes the Academy’s abandonment of its pro-life mission but highlights Francis’ key alignment with the globalist “green” agenda.
In October, Pope Francis announced he had appointed Mazzucato as an ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV). Mazzucato is a member of the U.N. Committee for Development Policy, the chair of the WHO Council on the Economics of Health for All, professor of economics at University College London, and a former member of the WEF Global Agenda Council on the Economics of Innovation.
She is also a self-described “atheist” and is enthusiastically pro-abortion.
The news spread through much of the Catholic world, with many expressing collective outrage at the blatant usurpation of the PAV’s mission.
Indeed, Mazzucato’s appointment contradicts the PAV’s own statutes. Even though the statutes say that members can be of any religion, new Academicians need to “commit themselves to promoting and defending the principles regarding the value of life and the dignity of the human person, interpreted in a way consonant with the Church’s Magisterium.”
Both Francis and Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, the PAV’s president, defended having Mazzucato inside the PAV. Francis went so far as to clarify he had personally placed her there, adding that “she is a great economist from the United States. I put her there to give a little more humanity to it.”
READ: Pope Francis defends appointing pro-abortion atheist to Pontifical Academy for Life
However, while her appointment clearly signifies just how little value either Francis, Paglia or the PAV itself places on pro-life values, the event holds additional importance.
With this bold move, Francis has delivered yet another message to the international elites that he is firmly supportive of their agendas, specifically the “climate change,” green agenda.
Mazzucato key player in globalist ‘green’ agenda
A key aspect of current globalist policy is the promotion of the green agenda, which increasingly is linking financial packages to the successful implementation of the “climate change” goals of the pro-abortion Paris Agreement.
As LifeSiteNews has extensively reported, such green policies align closely with the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) globalist Great Reset. The WEF, founded and led by Klaus Schwab, has used COVID-19 as an opportunity to present its plan of a Great Reset of complete societal alteration and structural shifts.
Schwab’s envisaged Reset is underpinned by a focus on a green financial agenda, as he mentions the “withdrawal of fossil-fuel subsidies,” and a new financial system based on “investments” which advance “equality and sustainability,” and the building of a “‘green’ urban infrastructure.” Business would be given “incentives” to align with the green agenda, under Schwab’s vision.
One notable promoter of such a world – in which growth, financial stability and society itself revolves around adherence to the “climate change” goals – is Mazzucato.
In October 2020, she authored one of TIME’s Great Reset articles, describing a futuristic vision of the year 2023, entirely built around the concept of a huge, financial shift in line with green policies and so-called climate change.
READ: Globalists have engineered a financial collapse to pave the way for a new economic world order
Mazzucato described a global population that realized the “need for governments to form a coordinated response to climate change and direct global fiscal stimulus in support of a green economy.”
The level of societal change which she describes, in order to align the financial system with green ideas, is nothing short of a paradigm shift. She mentions a “green economy” based on “entire supply chains and every stage of technological development” while “at regional, national and supranational levels, ambitious Green New Deal programs rose to the occasion.”
The WEF contributor also argued that, in this futuristic vision of the year 2023, the world realized that “new policies were needed to address climate risks, incentivize green lending, scale up financial institutions tackling social and environmental goals, and ban financial-sector activity that didn’t serve a clear public purpose.”
Repeating what is a common theme in Great Reset literature, Mazzucato mentioned how governments would coax, or perhaps tell people how to conform to the green economy: “Governments used procurement, grants and loans to stimulate as much innovation as possible.”
In a separate piece, Mazzucato argued for climate-related lockdowns, under which governments “would limit private-vehicle use” and “ban consumption of red meat.” People would forcibly endure “extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling.”
In reality, her vision of 2023 – now only a few months away – is to dramatically limit finances to only those who totally support the radical green agenda.
Here she is simply rephrasing what Schwab has already written, when he argued that adherence, or not, to green policies, could determine whether an individual or a business is allowed access to finances: “Governments led by enlightened leaders will make their stimulus packages conditional upon green commitments. They will, for example, provide more generous financial conditions for companies with low-carbon business models.”
READ: How global warming alarmism is being used to promote population control and abortion
A 2020 essay on the WEF website even called on “governments” and “regulators” to use “hard dollars and soft power” in order to “mandate and incentivize” the “sustainable investments” necessary for a “cleaner, greener future.”
Still another repeated Schwab’s theme, mentioning that “Banks will play a critical role in supporting the transition to net zero carbon emissions.”
“Companies, and investors doing business with them, will have to respond” to the emphasis on sustainability, the article proclaimed. “These commitments create new opportunities for climate leaders and increase the pressure on laggards.”
“To stop the climate crisis from further unfolding and end our dependence on fossil fuels, banks must stop financing the fossil fuel industry,” wrote an international banking campaign group called BankTrack.
Francis already aligned with global elites
Given this background about Mazzucato, along with who and what she represents, it is perhaps less surprising that Francis appointed her to the PAV.
In December 2020, the Pope gave a clear sign about his priorities when he joined forces with major global corporations such as the Rockefeller Foundation and Bank of America to promote a new “economic system” of capitalism based on the United Nations’ pro-abortion Sustainable Development Goals.
The Vatican’s partnership with the “Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican” is a response to Pope Francis’s desire “to build inclusive and sustainable economies and societies.
The Council is led by “Guardians for Inclusive Capitalism,” titans of business with “more than $10.5 trillion in assets under management, companies with over $2.1 trillion of market capitalization, and 200 million workers in more than 163 countries” who meet annually with both Pope Francis and Cardinal Peter Turkson.
The Council promotes specific policies relating to net carbon emissions and racial issues, all of which are fundamentally oriented at “environmental, social, and governance measures” in order to “achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.”
Only days later in December 2020, Francis announced a new partnership between the Vatican and the United Nations that would promote “sustainable lifestyles,” “gender equality,” and “global citizenship,” among other goals. He launched the partnership at a conference both the SDG’s and the Paris Agreement, where he was joined by pro-abortion friend Jeffrey Sachs.
Pro-life and family advocates have continually expressed concern over the climate activism movement, as it is often aligned with pro-abortion and population control advocates and lobby groups. Others say much of climate activism is about garnering government grants and exerting statist power.
As already noted on numerous occasions by LifeSiteNews, the Paris Agreement is indeed pro-abortion and connects to the stated U.N. goal of creating a universal right to abortion in line with Goal #5.6 of the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals.
READ: Vatican joins Paris Climate Agreement despite inclusion of abortion, population control agendas
However, Francis has repeatedly promoted the goals, deeming them to be so urgent that he finally entered the Vatican into the Paris Agreement this summer. The Pope defended this move, saying “a covenant between human beings and the environment” should underpin the pro-abortion Agreement.
READ: Pope Francis in TED talk: ‘We only have a few years’ to fix climate change
After repeatedly highlighting the ecological side of the global agenda, Francis has also turned his focus toward the financial aspect of implementing the green agenda. Addressing the World Bank and International Monetary Fund at their 2021 spring meeting, Francis called for “global governance” in light of COVID-19, and also in light of the “ecological debt.”
Almost echoing the WEF talking points word for word, Francis stated:
In this regard, I believe that the financial industry, which is distinguished by its great creativity, will prove capable of developing agile mechanisms for calculating this ecological debt, so that developed countries can pay it, not only by significantly limiting their consumption of non-renewable energy or by assisting poorer countries to enact policies and programmes of sustainable development, but also by covering the costs of the innovation required for that purpose.
This, perhaps, is no surprise, given that Francis has already signaled his intimacy with Schwab by sending an address to the WEF four times in his pontificate, and allowing an annual Vatican roundtable at Davos, the WEF’s annual conference site in Switzerland.
Mazzucato is a long-expected arrival
The Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV) has already been described as being permeated by “heretical gnosticism” after it was overhauled by Pope Francis beginning in 2016.
READ: Pontifical Academy for Life responds to Roe ruling with ‘bizarre’ statement calling for ‘non-ideological debate’
The Pope released new statutes for the PAV in November 2016, in which members were no longer required to sign a declaration that they uphold the Church’s pro-life teachings, while also expanding the PAV’s mandate to include a focus on the environment.
Given his destruction of the PAV, along with his alignment with the “climate change,” green, and financial policies of the globalist elite, it is in fact hardly surprising that Pope Francis placed pro-abortion Mariana Mazzucato into the PAV. Rather, it was only a matter of time.