
FRONT ROYAL, Virginia, April 24, 2003 ( – The Population Research Institute (PRI) has followed up on a Feb. 21 LifeSite story revealing that an international group of scientists has found over half of African AIDS cases were likely caused by botched vaccinations and other medical exposures.  PRI has concluded that African AIDS programs to date, based on “a false-and deadly-premise of reckless promiscuity among Africans” and “driven by a fixation on reducing African populations and failed programs that actually spread HIV/AIDS, has cost millions of lives.”  This severe charge against the Western government and United Nations AIDS establishment further confirms the deadly lunacy many pro-family critics have long suspected was behind AIDS reduction programs imposed on African nations.  PRI emphasizes “The need for effective AIDS relief in Africa, as called for by President Bush, is tragically self-evident. But before we throw $15 billion at the problem, we must understand that past programs have failed.”  See this very significant PRI report at