WASHINGTON, D.C., February 9, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Mothers and fathers who have experienced the tragedy of abortion will gather outside a top pro-abortion lobby’s celebration of Roe v. Wade on Thursday.
For the sixth consecutive year, members of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign will greet NARAL Pro-Choice America supporters outside their annual luncheon at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, located at 2500 Calvert St. NW, holding signs that say “I Regret My Abortion” or “I Regret My Lost Fatherhood.”
NARAL is currently campaigning aggressively against a series of bills introduced in the U.S. House that aim to prevent taxpayer funding of abortion. “When it comes to attacking choice, these politicians know no bounds,” said NARAL president Nancy Keenan in an email to supporters.
But the protesters say they want NARAL to know what they learned about abortion through first-hand experience – that it is a choice that should never be made.
“We feel it’s important to have a presence when they’re celebrating, to show that there’s another side to this,” said Nancy Tanner, Silent No More regional coordinator for Northern Virginia. “Many of us are hurt by abortion and regret that decision.”
All pro-lifers are welcome to join the peaceful protest.
The Silent No More Awareness Campaign was co-founded by Janet Morana, executive director of Priests for Life, and Georgette Forney, president of Anglicans for Life.
The campaign’s most visible outreach takes place every year immediately following the March for Life in Washington, D.C., when women and men gather in front of the Supreme Court building to tell the many ways their abortion experiences hurt them – emotionally, physically and spiritually.
“These women and men are tired of having pro-choice advocates pretend to speak for them. They want to tell the world, in their own words, that what is too easily celebrated as a ‘choice’ and a ‘right’ is in fact a painful burden,” said Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life.