MINNESOTA, Aug. 3 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Duluth Little Stores, a convenience store chain in Minnesota, has agreed to settle out of court with an employee who was charging that her employer discriminated against her due to her pregnancy, even threatening to help her abort her baby by throwing her down the stairs. An Associated Press report Friday said that the terms of the settlement had not been disclosed. Nicole Bergstrom Ek, formerly an assistant manager at the store where she worked, was seeking $50,000 in damages.
“Little Stores officials said no harassment occurred,” reported AP. Lola Aune, Ms. Ek’s supervisor at the time, denied discriminating against the pregnant woman. The chain of 19 stores is owned by Best Oil Co. of Cloquet. Ms. Ek had charged that her hours had been cut in retaliation for her pregnancy and that her supervisor had also pressured her into getting an abortion, even threatening to push her down the stairs in the sixth month of her pregnancy.