
 By Michael Baggot

WASHINGTON, D.C., April 30, 2008 ( – Tomorrow, the nation that claims that its citizens are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights” will officially recognize the Source of their life and liberty with the 57th National Day of Prayer (NDP). 

“America trusts in the abiding power of prayer and asks for the wisdom to discern God’s will in times of joy and of trial,” stated President George W. Bush in his official proclamation of the day. “As we observe this National Day of Prayer, we recognize our dependence on the Almighty, we thank Him for the many blessings He has bestowed upon us, and we put our country’s future in His hands.”

The National Day of Prayer was established in 1952 by a joint resolution of the United States Congress and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman and is normally observed on the first Thursday of May.

Bush encouraged citizens to use the day to thank God for the freedoms and blessings they have received and to ask “for God’s continued guidance, comfort, and protection.”

The annual NDP is meant to “reaffirm the role of prayer in our society,” added Bush.

“In order to realize the potential outlined in the Declaration of Independence, we must continue seeking Divine counsel, asking for His intervention and direction,” stated Shirley Dobson, Chairman of the NDP Task Force.

Dobson went on to encourage those who are overwhelmed with the vast array of attacks on human life and traditional family values present in American society to turn to the Author of Life for strength and guidance.

“We are facing threats from within our borders and from enemies overseas, and immoral practices and ideologies are prevailing in nearly every segment of our culture. Clearly, there is an urgent need for God’s people to seek His protection and wisdom as we confront these dangers,” added Dobson.

The NDPTF is a Judeo-Christian group that encourages participation in the NDP, emphasizes man’s need for prayer and repentance, and seeks to “protect America’s Constitutional Freedoms to gather, worship, pray and speak freely.”

One of the more unusual NDP activities is the scheduled PrayerFlight, in which pilots will hover over each state capital in prayer on Thursday. 

“Our dedicated men and women believe that it is from our perspective in flight that allows us the opportunity to observe God’s awesome creation and are reminded of our duty to pray for our fellow man, cities and nation,” states

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Learn more about the NDP: