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Fr. Ed Meeks.Fr. Edward Meeks / YouTube

TOWSON, Maryland, October 16, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – A Catholic priest of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter gave a straightforward and courageous homily that clearly laid out Joe Biden and the Democratic Party’s stance on the non-negotiables on Sunday, October 11, 2020.

Father Ed Meeks, the founding pastor of Christ the King Church in Towson, Maryland, declared, “There are certain realities about the candidates and their parties that directly impact our Catholic faith, and we must be aware of these realities before we cast our vote.”

Fr. Meeks admitted that it is not his place to tell his parishioners how they should vote, but he said, “It is my place as your priest and pastor to help you see how your vote may or may not line up with the teachings of the church.”

For this reason, he exhorted the faithful to vote in accord with the teachings of the Catholic Church, which are based on Sacred Scripture and the living tradition contained in the Church’s Magisterium.

Citing Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s apostolic exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis, Fr. Meeks told his parishioners that the three non-negotiables for Catholics are the sanctify of life from conception to natural death, the sanctity of marriage as a lifelong sacramental union between a man and a woman, and the preservation of religious liberty.  

“On these [non-negotiables] and other critical issues, there is one presidential candidate who stands in very public [and] very obstinate opposition to Church teaching — namely, former vice president Joe Biden,” Fr. Meeks announced.  

“I’d like to share with you the five things that every Catholic needs to know about ‘Catholic’ Joe Biden and how these line up with the non-negotiables,” he added.

The first thing Fr. Meeks called his parishioners’ attention to is that Biden is “unabashedly pro-abortion.” He reminded them that Biden and the Democratic Party support ending the lives of young children up to birth and even afterward. He also pointed out that Biden’s party repeatedly opposed the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act and that they advocate for the repeal of the Hyde Amendment, which would force all American taxpayers to fund abortions.

Fr. Meeks then brought up the fact that Biden stands in direct opposition to the Church’s teaching on the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. He recalled that Biden publicly endorsed so-called “same-sex marriage” in 2012 when he was vice president and that he officiated the “marriage” of two men in 2016.

In addition, Fr. Meeks warned his parishioners that a “Biden presidency would be a danger to our already dwindling religious liberty.” He cautioned that Biden would restore the Obamacare mandate requiring religious organizations to fund contraception for their employees and that if Biden were to institute a nationwide shutdown, such an action “would once again close our churches.”

Fr. Meeks also made his parishioners aware that a Biden presidency would “open the door” for the United States to quickly become a socialist country. He reminded them that Biden signed on to Bernie Sanders’s socialist agenda and that non-partisan groups have called his running mate, Kamala Harris, the “most leftist member of the U.S. Senate.”

Finally, Fr. Meeks alerted the faithful that Biden’s stance on the four previous issues subverts the “position of nominal and misinformed or poorly catechized Catholics.” Biden’s position is a disservice to Catholics and Christians because it gives the false impression that “what he holds isn’t that bad,” Fr. Meeks said.

Fr. Meeks’s homily serves as a warning about if Biden is elected president and an exhortation to Catholics and Christians everywhere to stand up to the politicians who contradict and subvert Catholic teaching and tell them “enough is enough.”