(LifeSiteNews) — Father Jeffrey Kirby explains on this week’s Ladies of LifeSite how Catholics can use Church teaching to respond to the LGBT infiltration of society and culture.
Buy Father Kirby’s new book here: Sanctify Them in Truth: How the Church’s Social Doctrine Addresses the Issues of Our Time.
The theology professor and pastor of Our Lady of Grace parish in Indian Land, South Carolina, says his book is ordered toward a practical end. It’s not a theoretical treatise, but a guide for contemporary Catholics fighting in the proverbial trenches.
Most of this week’s episode centers around the mass normalization of homosexual “marriages” and transgenderism, though Sanctify Them in Truth discusses social issues ranging from immigration and healthcare, to the environment and Critical Race Theory.
Father Kirby argues the first step in “holding the line” against the LGBT onslaught is to refuse participation in their events and celebrations.
“Oftentimes Catholics will say, ‘Well I need to go there [to witness to the truth of sexuality].’ No, we don’t,” he says. “We don’t participate in anything that normalizes an offense to marriage, to sexuality, to authentic love. We cannot, and there’s this pressure for our society to just play along, just go along with it.”
“Our forebears, they would not participate in the public games,” Kirby adds. “They wouldn’t go to the arena, they wouldn’t go to the gladiatorial combats and so on, because as Christians, they understood the dignity of human life and they wouldn’t go and participate or be accomplices to such violence.”
Listen to this week’s episode below or by clicking here.
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