
SANT’ANGELO A SCALA, Italy, December 3, 2002 ( – A dissident Catholic priest who defied repeated requests to not join the July 2000 ‘gay pride’ parade in Rome has been removed from his small parish in southern Italy by his local bishop, two years later.  Fr. Vitaliano Della Sala, 39, says he will appeal to the Vatican. He says his removal by his bishop, Abbot Tarcisio Nazzaro, who presides from Montevergine Abbey near Beneveneto, “seems unfair,” adding, “A priest must defend the rights of those who are trampled upon.” At the time of the parade, which was mounted by homosexual activists with heavy anti-papal overtones, Della Sala said, “I’m not the Pope, but I’m here.”  For related coverage see:  POPE COMMENTS ON WORLD GAY PRIDE IN ROME CATHOLICS TO STAGE COUNTER EVENT IN ROME