Prime Minister’s “Eternal Salvation is in Jeopardy” Says Canadian Bishop
OTTAWA, July 31, 2003 ( – In an interview with the Globe and Mail yesterday, Calgary Archbishop Fred Henry warned that Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien is in danger of risking his eternal salvation by proposing legislation in favour of homosexual marriage. “He’s putting at risk his eternal salvation. I pray for the Prime Minister because I think his eternal salvation is in jeopardy. He is making a morally grave error and he’s not being accountable to God,” said Bishop Henry. Again speaking of the Prime Minister, Bishop Henry said, “He doesn’t understand what it means to be a good Catholic.” On his diocesan website, Bishop Henry has written an article on homosexual unions in which he reveals that he has been sent angry letters accusing him of being, “a homophobic bigot, a hatemonger, and as someone who knows nothing about sexuality.” Bishop Henry may be contacted at: Most Rev. Frederick Henry tel: (403) 218-5526 fax: (403) 264-0272 120 – 17th Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta T2S 2T2 Canada; [email protected] See Bishop Henry’s letter on Same-Sex Unions See the Globe and Mail coverage: