SANTO DOMINGO, March 21, 2003 ( – Women determined to obtain an abortion, and doctors who promote abortion, are praising the use of an ulcer treatment to induce chemical abortions. This despite the fact that the company which markets the drug has warned of severe side effects when the drugs are used while pregnant. Cytotec, the ulcer drug, is popular among anti-life elements in countries like the Dominican Republic. “No one yet knows the best ways to use it but … where abortion is illegal and unsafe, it might be the single safest method,” said Dr. Beverly Winikoff, director of reproductive health for the New York-based Population Council. Known generically as misoprostol and made by New Jersey-based Pharmacia Inc., Cytotec is often taken in conjunction with mifepristone, also known as RU-486. But where the latter is not available, mothers who are truly determined to kill their own child are recklessly encouraged by pro-abortion doctors to take the ulcer drug by itself. Dr. Philip D. Darney, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of California, San Francisco, called Cytotec “pretty safe and effective.” However, pro-life leaders point to the warnings on the product information leaflet on Cytotec which indicates several warnings of severe risks when taken to induce abortion. One such statement reads: “Miscarriages caused by Cytotec® may be incomplete, which could lead to dangerous bleeding, hospitalization, surgery, infertility, or maternal or fetal death.”
For newswire coverage: For information on Cytotec: