
EDMONTON, March 11, 2003 ( – Health Minister Anne McLellan paid a visit to a Catholic junior high school in Edmonton yesterday.  The Minister gave a talk and fielded questions from the 250 students at St. Thomas More junior high.  McLellan, who is outspokenly pro-abortion and pro-homosexual responded to a question on abortion from one of the students.  The Edmonton Journal reports that McLellan “urged the students to be respectful of others’ opinions on the matter, calling it ‘a debate in which people get very angry with each other and say very, very hurtful things to each other.’

The Minister then stressed the importance of getting “tough with people who hurt animals”.  “Of all the issues I’ve dealt with, whether it’s decriminalization of marijuana, abortion, whatever, the one issue every week on which I got more letters and cards from Canadians than any other was animal cruelty,” she said.  Hilary White of Campaign Life Catholic commented on the scandal of leading Catholic children to esteem the pro-abortion politician.  “St. Thomas More, who sacrificed his life rather than give in on Catholic principles is the patron the church holds up for politicians.  However, the children attending the school named in his honor are subject to honoring a pro-abortion, pro-homosexual politician who reportedly fancies herself a ‘Catholic’,” said White.  “McLellan thinks it important to change the law to ‘get tough’ with people responsible for cruelty to animals but would not countenance a law to ‘get tough’ with people responsible for cruelty to unborn children – such as herself.”  St. Thomas More Principal Doug Nelson told LifeSite that he was not concerned about inviting McLellan to the school since she is the local Member of Parliament.  He was “very concerned” when the topic of abortion came up but thought that her response was “as good a response as one can get on such a hot issue.”  To express your concerns to the school:  St. Thomas More Catholic Junior High School 9610 – 165 Street   Edmonton, Alberta T5P 3S6   Phone: (780) 484-2434 Fax: 489-3342   Principal Doug Nelson [email protected]   See the Edmonton Journal coverage: