Friday November 30, 2007
Pro-Abortion Feminists Subpoenaed in Nicaragua Rape Coverup Investigation
“Women’s Network Against Violence” claims political motivation despite evidence against them
By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
MANAGUA, November 30, 2007 ( – Despite a heavy media campaign attempting to deter Nicaraguan authorities from proceeding with the case, the Nicarguan government yesterday began to subpoena six feminists from the “Women’s Network Against Violence” for their suspected involvement in the coverup of the rape of a nine year old Nicaraguan girl.
The girl, known by the press as “Rosita”, was impregnated at the age of nine while living in Costa Rica in 2002. By their own admission, members of the Network smuggled her stepfather, Francisco Fletes, out of the country while he was under investigation for the crime, and then secured an abortion for Rosita in Nicaragua, for the purpose of promoting the pro-abortion cause (see LifeSiteNews extendsive coverage at
The six are accused of endorsing a criminal act, criminal conspiracy, concealing a rape, and instigating an abortion. Three others, not subpoenaed, have also been accused.
In recent days, the accused organizations have lashed out against the Nicaraguan government, characterizing the investigation against them as political, and claiming that President Daniel Ortega and his wife have a personal vendetta against them. However, the government is ignoring their protests and is proceeding with their investigation.
“It’s being investigated like any other report and if there is merit an accusation is made and if not it is ignored,” said Tania Garcia, spokesman for the prosecutor’s office.
Although two of the feminists, Marta Maria Blandon and Lorna Norori admitted in a 2003 interview with the Women’s Health Journal that they had helped Rosita’s rapist escape a criminal investigation against him and had deceived Costa Rican authorities to do so, the Network continues to claim they are victims of a political conspiracy.
Sofia Montenegro of the Autonomous Women’s Movement, claims that the investigation has the purpose of “delegitimizing and discrediting the struggle of organized women, since it comes from the religious authorities in collusion with the government.”
Related Coverage:
Recent three-part series on “Rosita” case:
Part I:
Part II:
Part III:
Human Rights Group Files Charges Against Nicaraguan Abortion Lobby
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