WASHINGTON, August 8, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Sleazy Dude” and “Senator.” These are two pro-life characters in a new animated video released by Planned Parenthood Golden Gate (San Francisco). Titled “A Superhero for CHOICE,” the video follows a female “superhero,” named “Dianisis,” whose sole mission is to protect “choice.”

Dianisis first encounters “Sleezy Dude,” as Sleezy tells a group of teenagers that “the only way to prevent pregnancy is to practice abstinence.” One teen responds, “But Mister, we learned at school that there are other ways to practice safe sex and protect ourselves.” Sleezy responds: “Those are instruments from the devil’s toolbox!” Dianisis interrupts the conversation and throws Sleezy into a trash can. “Now you kids know where to go for all your healthcare needs and reproductive advice, don’t you?” she asks. “We sure do, ma’am! Planned Parenthood Golden Gate! Because we have a choice!” they respond. Before departing Dianisis throws a “safe sex kit” to the teens as she yells, “Remember, safe is sexy!”

The superhero’s next encounter is with pro-life activists who are grunting whIle they picket Planned Parenthood. “These folks here are known as anti-choice demonstrators,” she says. “Under the First Amendment of our Constitution they are allowed to express their beliefsâEUR¦Yet they can sometimes become unruly and sometimes they get a little too close. But mostly I just wish they would disappear. Hey, that gives me an idea!” Dianisis takes out a gun that fires condoms. Each demonstrator is shown inside a condom, which then explodes, eliminating them. “That’s more like it,” Dianisis continues. “Open for business. Now everyone that needs low cost and confidential healthcare may enter freely, without intimidation or violenceâEUR¦”

Dianisis interrupts a U.S. Senator who she sees throwing copies of the Bill of Rights, the Constitution the First Amendment, and Civil Rights laws into a boiling pot, which he refers to as “I Can Do Whatever I Want To Do Stew.” The Senator explains: “You see, I come from a long line of grandiose narcissists where quite simply the laws of these United States do not apply.” He then claims to be above the law. Dianisis throws the Senator into the boiling pot, pulls him out again, and the Senator says, “I feel cleansed. I no longer have the stench of misinformed conservatism. I want all women everywhere to have the ability to choose what they do with their bodies.” The superhero responds, “That’s more like it. And besides, money spent now for the funding of family planning will save billions of dollars in future social expenditures.” A depiction of the scales of justice lists “CHOICE” or one side and “IGNORANCE” on the other.

“This video is absolutely outrageous,” said Douglas R. Scott, president of Life Decisions International. “Pro-life men and women are depicted as evil and stupid. It sends a message to teenagers that it is acceptable to eliminate those who disagree. It is also riddled with misinformation about birth control, abortion, and sexual activity.” He said the video relies on one word, “choice,” to justify everything. “Planned Parenthood is using this video to spread its deadly message. It is time that Planned Parenthood put the lives of teenagers ahead of its incessant desire to make more money.”

Jim Sedlak, executive director of American Life League’s STOPP International commented, “The hatred and religious bigotry demonstrated by Planned Parenthood in this video are shocking and offensive,” noting also that the organization was “glamorizing violence against people of faith.”

The eight-minute animated feature is posted on Planned Parenthood Golden Gate’s web site: www.ppgg.org

A play-by-play account of the video including stills (photos) is available from The Dawn Patrol blog at:
