Madrid, January 30, 2014 ( – In a recent interview with the Spanish feminist magazine Pikara, a Benedictine sister, Teresa Forcades, said her position towards the proposed restrictions on abortion by the Spanish conservative government was that of “criticism and upfront rejection.”
“I’m in favor of allowing abortion when the fetus isn’t viable,” said the Sister.
The proposed law will eliminate a provision passed in 2010 by the previous socialist government allowing abortion on demand until 14 weeks gestation, and will remove fetal malformation as a reason for the mother to abort.
“There can be a mother,” she continued, “to whom it makes sense to bring into the world and accompany a creature with a severe malformation, even though she knows it will suffer and will die within a short time of being born.”
“But,” she explained, one shouldn’t be able to say to another woman who doesn’t think in the same way that she is “compelled by the State to do this that I think is right.”
“There are groups that, sheltering themselves in the Catholic faith, propose restrictive laws to polarize society,” she said.
“This pulls us away from more important things like at this moment are the social issues and the crisis,” she explained.
According to the nun, “Laws like this one respond to a phenomenon I’ve studied alongside with the witches subject.”
She explained she believes that in times of social crisis, “The maternal figure rises up as the one who will resolve the issue and the one who should be controlled as a sort of collective exorcism, because they are the scapegoats.”
The article was published on January 8 under the title: “When you don’t obey clear interests, you become inconvenient for both sides.”
The picture of Sr. Forcades appeared alongside graphic sexual images that featured other articles.
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Forcades, a nun of the Benedictine monastery of Sant Benet de Montserrat, near Barcelona, has a long history of going against Catholic moral teaching.
As LSN reported in 2009, Forcades equated abortion with “the right to self-determination” which she called a “fundamental right that protects human dignity and prohibits absolutely and under any circumstances that a person be used as an object, as a means to achieve good, even when that good is saving the life of another person or even all of humanity.”
Also, in September 2013, BBC’s Matt Wells interviewed Forcades and other nuns in the monastery. Wells called her an “intense” “political leader” who dresses “always in her nun’s headpiece, and says that everything she does is born of deep Christian faith and devotion.” He noted that she has become “a star” of television talk shows throughout Spain, in which she presents a “new liberation theology.”
Wells also reported that the sisters Forcades lives with “are in no doubt that her talents and fame are ‘gifts from God’, and that she's paving the way for a newer, more feminist future for the Catholic church.”
The monastery’s website features a picture of Forcades on its home page and publishes links to some of her articles, in one of which she declared that the Church in Spain has not understood the Holy Trinity. According to the nun, “The Trinity says that diversity is as sublime as unity, because one thing is unity, and another very different one is uniformity.”
In the Pikara article she confirmed her stance by saying: “I understand that homosexual love is perfectly understandable by the Church,” she explained. “Because it has the essential: not to have children, but an open intimacy towards an interpersonal relationship that includes respect for the other person’s integrity.”
“Two people that love, desire and respect each other are bearing testimony,” she said. “This is the sacrament.”
She ended her interview by declaring herself a “queer theologian” and saying that “the religious analysis that understands the sexual relationship as something that has the objective of procreation is a utilitarian vision of human love.”
“That’s why it’s perfectly compatible that you should be responsible and use contraception when you feel like it.”
To contact the monastery of Sant Benet de Montserrat, write to: [email protected] or call: +34 (93) 835 0078
To contact the diocese of St. Feliu. Bishop Agustin Cortes, email: [email protected]