(LifeSiteNews) — LSNTV is bringing you the latest news on the Department of Justice’s relentless war against the pro-life movement this Friday, October 28th at 9:00 PM ET.
Click here to join LifeSiteNews senior correspondent Jim Hale as he sits down with Heather Idoni, one of the “Nashville 11” pro-life activists recently hit with federal indictments by the heavily pro-abortion Biden administration.

Idoni is one of the activists most recently targeted by the Biden DOJ. The 58-year-old adoptive mother and sidewalk counselor has been charged with two FACE Act violations for taking part in peaceful pro-life rescues at abortion facilities in Alexandria, Virginia and Nashville, Tennessee.
In this special LSNTV interview, Idoni shares her side of the story and describes what brought her into the pro-life movement over 30 years ago. Idoni’s witness and dedication to the most innocent is a testament to the Christ-like love that is the foundation of the Culture of Life.
This interview is packed with information about the Nashville 11 you won’t get anywhere else in the news, such as:
- Why rescues are a vital part of the pro-life movement
- Details on Idoni’s astonishing reaction to her indictment
- Her heroic role in adopting children from war-stricken Ukraine
- Her joyful message of encouragement to fellow pro-lifers fighting the war for life
The mainstream liberal media doesn’t want you to hear the full story behind the Nashville 11 charged with FACE Act violations. But Jim Hale’s incredible interview with Heather Idoni ensures that you get the inside story about the persecution of pro-lifers taking place across America. Tune in to LSNTV on Friday, October 28th at 9:00 PM ET to get the full truth on what the pro-life movement is up against.
Support the Nashville 11 — LifeSite has launched a LifeFunder campaign to help offset the legal expenses for Idoni and her fellow activists. Do your part to combat violence against the pre-born by donating today!