
FREDERICTON, NB, June 29 ( – A pro-life group is buying the property next to the Morgentaler abortuary in Fredericton, New Brunswick. The group will operate a center called the Mother and Child Welcome House. Its founder, Peter Ryan, told a news conference today that the center will offer pregnant mothers another choice beside abortion, and help women recover from past abortions.

“Most women who have abortions feel they have no choice due to fear and social pressure, including pressure by their male partners,” said Ryan. By offering peer counseling and various forms of social assistance, the pro-life center hopes to give women a chance to make a free and informed decision about what is best for them and their children.

The Mother and Child Welcome House will also reach out to women who may be suffering as a result of past abortions. Ryan says, “it is common for mothers to carry the anguish of an abortion for a lifetime.” He says the center’s program’s can enable such women to find hope and healing in their lives.

Ryan says he will try to build good relations with his next door neighbors at the abortuary. He says that, as a Christian, he bears nothing but good will toward everyone, however he may disagree with their views and actions. “God loves everyone,” he says. “That’s what I try to do too.” Ryan has sent a letter to abortionist Henry Morgentaler announcing the new pro-life center and inviting him to dialogue.