WICHITA, June 29, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The pro-life group Operation Rescue has announced that it has purchased the building that housed Central Women’s Services, an abortion mill located at 3013 E. Central in Wichita, Kansas. Central Women’s Services had not been able to pay the rent, and the property was put up for sale. When Operation Rescue purchased the property, under the stipulation that the current tenant not be allowed to remain, it forced the mill to close.
The facility is to be renovated and serve as the pro-life group’s corporate headquarters, and will feature a memorial to the pre-born victims of abortion.
The abortion business operated at the location for 23 years and it is estimated that about 50,000 children were killed on the site.
Conditions in the abortion ‘clinic’ were deplorable said Operation Rescue staff member Cheryl Sullenger who walked through the building with a realtor.
“There was mold, and general filth,” said Sullenger. “The carpets outside the abortion rooms were stained with blood, even though it was evident that some effort had been made to clean them. The ceiling nearby was broken. All of the walls were dirty and some were covered with cheap contact paper instead of being properly maintained.”
Operation Rescue President Troy Newman also commented on the abortion facility. “Under the sink was one of the biggest garbage disposals I have ever seen,” said Newman. “The entire area had the stench of death. It was the sink where the suction machine bottles were washed. In fact, dried blood could be seen that had seeped out from the metal band that surrounded the sink top. There was a bucket marked ‘biohazard’ next to the sink. We were all sickened by the thought of all those thousands of innocent children whose blood had been washed down that sink. It was an experience I will never forget.”
The abortion mill captured the attention of local pro-lifers during the 1991 Summer of Mercy when a Pastor’s Rescue, led by Operation Rescue tactical director Jeff White, resulted in the arrests of 80 members of the clergy in what was likely the largest incident of civil disobedience by pastors in the history of the pro-life movement.
Operation Rescue had previously purchased the lot behind the abortion business and erected a huge pro-life billboard there, which was easily viewable by women coming to the facility for abortions.